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Special flowers: DOD okays trans members on hormones “skipping” deployments



You can’t say I didn’t tell you, because I did – matter of fact, it was just the other day – but God DANG. If seeing what I knew to be true anecdotally and commonsense-wise finally AS OFFICIAL POLICY doesn’t just have me snorting fire, I don’t know what would.

The memo in question was issued in February of this year, but has suddenly come to light. I can’t imagine why it took months to surface, but I’m guessing two things had something to do with the lag: 1) fear of reprisals so trying to find a way to do it safely 2) personnel sick and tired of the parade of trans being celebrated by the services themselves, even as morale and conditions for service members plummet.

But, yea, verily, it’s a humdinger. Every non-trans service member and every taxpayer who’s not a lunatic should be up in arms. In fact, it has to be the civilians, because, by law, service members can’t say a damn thing. We have to fight this soul-sucking madness off for them.

Lemme start with the obvious. Please remember from a fiscal standpoint, everything the memo discusses “covering” for a service member’s VOLUNTARY transition – again, we’re not treating breast or prostate cancer here – is YOUR TAX DOLLARS being frittered away. And those tax dollars will be on the hook to maintain these individuals’ health and lifestyle for the rest of their lives the second any treatment to transition is rendered by a military medical facility.

Taxpayer funded “care” for transgender service members includes:

speech/voice therapy

cross-sex hormones,

laser hair removal,

voice feminization surgery,

facial contouring, body contouring,

breast/chest surgery (“upper surgery”)

genital mutilation surgery (“lower surgery”).

Psychological counseling

Hold on – it doesn’t stop there. Nothing is forever, you know. Should the time come when a taxpayer transitioned member decides being a girl isn’t all that, and wants to backtrack, the government foots the bill for that “oopsie,” too. The trans just has to ask nicely and go through the hoops..

Additionally, this woke af DoD memo is cognizant of – well, downright embarrassed about – causing hurt #feelingz in the non-binary/genderfluid group who appear to have been not just marginalized in all this, but left out completely. They grovelingly apologize, explaining the military system is of Neanderthal extraction and only recognizes – gird your loins – TWO SEXES.

While it is understood that many TG individuals identify as ‘gender non-binary’and/or ‘gender fluid,’SMs are required to choose a DEERS gender marker of male or female. This is not meant to misgender or disrespect a SM’s gender identity, however,the current medical and Army system views gender as a dichotomous variable.


Malevolent clowns.

Another egregious slap in the face to active duty troops in this gobsmackingly appalling document is this little paragraph, which goes to my point on Tuesday.

Upon initiation of cross-sex hormone therapy, SMs will have a T3 profileentered into the eProfile system. Most SMs will require up to 300 days to be stabilized on cross-sex hormone therapy, and they will remain in a temporary non-deployable status during that time.

At least 10 months non-deployable (“clinically stabilized”). That’s before any of the surgeries and their attendant significant downtime and risks. Without including all the odd days and weeks light-duty because of mental health issues or other sundry, trans-specific medical issues. How about all the doctor’s appointments and drama associated with deciding you’re the wrong sex? That all takes precious time away from your unit before you’re eligible for hormones.


At the very minimum, TEN MONTHS PLUS, worthless to your command. Flush all the money the Army, Navy, whoever spent training you for your service specialty. Flush the unit cohesiveness you were supposed to be part of building, the team you were supposed to be supporting. And I’m sure there’d be no hard feelings when a fellow soldier or sailor has to take your place in a deployment cycle so you can wear dresses and long hair, even if they’ve just come back from a pump themselves. That spot – YOUR spot – has to be filled by a warm body somehow.

As far as transgenders go, it’s not a “military” – it’s a nationally funded mental health surgical ward. Your lifelong therapy and new boob job are gratis, courtesy of the taxpaying public.

I’m so glad the Army feels it can afford to indulge these people for a NON-LIFE THREATENING “condition.”

When inflation is factored in, the Army has lost $46 billion in buying power since fiscal year (FY) 2019, and if we assume an inflation factor of 5 percent from 2022 to 2023 (which is likely conservative), the Administration’s $177.5 billion FY 2023 budget request for the Army represents a loss of more than $6 billion just from its FY 2022 enacted budget. Signs of budget strain are clearly visible in the Army’s proposal to cut its end strength; in modernization accounts slashed (with procurement cut by 7 percent and research and development down by 6 percent); and in military construction accounts that are now below historic levels.

…The Army’s plan to increase the size of the Regular Army force has recently been slammed into reverse because of budget cuts and recruiting challenges. The Army had planned to raise the Regular Army incrementally to above 500,000 by adding approximately 2,000 soldiers per year.
At that rate, it would have reached 500,000 by around 2028. Now even that modest plan is off the table. As a result of bleak defense budget forecasts and recruiting difficulties, the Army has proposed to cut its active end strength by 12,000 in FY 2023.

Here’s where the rubber meets the road for the troops already in uniform and in the rotation cycles. Rotations are already wearing people down. They are only going to get more brutal because of the recruiting and retention problems. And transgender coddling is going to be done on the backs of exhausted, pissed off, abused servicemembers who are going to vote with their feet. It might only take one trans in a unit, or even knowing a friend who gets caught up having to go when it wasn’t his turn, and that can be the straw that breaks the camel’s back morale-wise.

…Among Army units that deploy periodically are Armored Brigade Combat Teams (ABCTs) and Patriot Battalions that rotate to and from Europe, Kuwait, and Korea. Rather than relying on forward-stationed BCTs, the Army rotates ABCTs to these regions on a “heel-to-toe” basis so that there is never a gap.

The Russia–Ukraine War has brought the issue of stationing more Army forces in Europe back to the forefront. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley has suggested that the U.S. should establish more permanent European bases and rotate more forces to the continent.
There is disagreement as to which represents the better option: rotated forces or forward-stationed forces. Proponents of rotational BCTs argue that they arrive fully trained, that they remain at a high state of readiness throughout their typically nine-month overseas rotation, and that the cost of providing for accompanying military families is avoided. Those who favor forward-stationed forces point to a lower overall cost, forces that typically are more familiar with the operating environment, and a more reassuring presence for our allies. In reality, both types of force postures are needed, not only for the reasons mentioned, but also because the mechanisms by which a unit is deployed, received into theater, and integrated with the force stationed abroad must be practiced on a regular basis.

Wow, wow, wow.

You bet I’m snorting fire.

Read the full article here
