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Speaking of racial harmony, WI state senator says, “F*%# the suburbs”



Oh, yeah, she did. She seems like a lovely person.

Not only did she say it, she hath spoken those best wishes to her fellow citizens on the floor of the statehouse in an official capacity during a debate about crime.


First elected to the Wisconsin statehouse as a representative in 2012, this silver-tongued orator was overwhelmingly elected to the state senate in 2017. Sen Johnson’s district includes parts of the Milwaukee downtown as well as the northern and western edges, and some of the neighboring city of Wauwatosa. From what I’ve seen of it, it looks vaguely suburban to me.

The district is also home to Marquette University, the Miller Brewing Company and several other notable occupants, according to a quick Wiki check.

Ethnically and racially, it runs 58% black, 27% white, 6% Hispanic, with a mix of of others filling in.

She certainly has the backing of all the usual suspects for this sort of rhetoric.

Screencap LaTonya

None of those are in the least surprising.

Neither is it surprising that her fellow Democrats in the senate are lauding her emotional fervor as opposed to chiding her gently for the crude, lo-rent dismissal of some of her own constituents. They are far too cowardly.

They are also a frustrated and mightily pissed off minority, as, with the victory of a Republican named Dan Knodl in a March special election for Senate District 8, the WI senate hit a 2/3 majority.

While conservatives took a beating in Wisconsin’s Supreme Court race Tuesday, Republicans scraped by to claim a key win in a special election in Milwaukee’s suburbs. A victory there gives the GOP a two-thirds majority in the state Senate and with it, the power to impeach state officials.

The state assembly is only 2 seats short of a Republican super majority.

Sen Johnson finds that very annoying and her Twitter feed is filled with “Republicans did this, they didn’t do THAT, they hate children, they won’t let us kill them, and we can’t buy weed yet.”

It’s a 90% piss and moan fest, with very little about what she’s doing for the people who elected her, even if they live in the suburbs.

She’s also not a real fan of letting the people of Milwaukee, who freely elected her, decide for themselves how to deal impending fiscal doom. A bill had been before the legislature that would have allowed city leaders to raise the sales tax only if approved by voters in a referendum, and Sen Johnson wasn’t for any of that. She wanted city leaders to be able to impose tax hikes without citizen input, because she was afraid city residents “don’t…understand exactly how dire this is.”

She’d rather do it for them.

A renegotiated bill passed on 20 June, and guess what? The city can raise the sales tax, sparing the peasants any mental gymnastics.

…With that new law, the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors now has the power to add 0.4% to its current sales tax of 0.5%. The Milwaukee Common Council can create a new city sales tax of 2%. It means sales tax in Milwaukee could go from 5.5% currently to 7.9%

Milwaukee is hardly saved from destruction however – the power to implement Sen Johnson’s preferred course of action came with Republican budget strings attached, so, of course, they’re already chafing and threatening to sue. They want to spend the additional income as they see fit – they’ve done so well with assets in the past. Why change now?

As for Sen. Johnson going forward, after yesterday’s theatrics, her calculated and appalling public snit is just one a long line of attempted incendiary Democratic performances that are meant to shock and awe, but have become so rote, they’re just awful and eyerolling.

Like “OMG Madonna’s NAKED!” so, call me when she’s not territory.

The Wisconsin Law Journal is calling for her resignation…

…In my opinion, State Sen. LaTonya Johnson is not fit for office and Wisconsin deserves someone who loves Wisconsin – all of Wisconsin – rural, urban and suburban.

Last night the Associated Press tweeted Sen. Johnson said, “F-ck the suburbs because they don’t know a goddam thing about life is in the city.”

What if a suburban senator said, “F-ck the city.” How would that play in Milwaukee?

Dialogues like this is not only counter-productive to the values of the senator’s constituents, but also is far out of alignment with the value of all Wisconsinites.

…but, God love him, that editor is another pasty-faced white guy in oxfords who probably lives in the suburbs. And we know what that means to LaTonya’s ilk. I mean, they’re working so hard on the narrative.

Besides, I’m sure there’s some new theory where civilized behavior and professional decorum is a white social construct and was developed by European colonizers as a means of oppression to control enslaved people of color, which is what white people get up in the morning to do every single day.

Yeah. I thought so.

Read the full article here
