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‘Shame on You, Joe Biden!’ Progressive ‘Grassroots’ Disrupt Biggest Dem Fundraiser



Well, color me surprised. The Left finally has begun to shout “Shame on you, Joe Biden!” and “Blood on your hands!” nearly three years after he abandoned 14,000 Americans in Afghanistan and got routed out of Kabul while losing 13 service members. Or perhaps this referred to the way Biden took credit for a hostage deal in November with Hamas that left almost all of the American citizens in those terrorists’ hands for their leverage in future negotiations. 

That’s what I call progress!

Oh, wait … my apologies. The repeated progressive intrusions at the Democrats’ massive “Three Presidents” fundraiser shamed Biden and accused him of having blood on his hands for not helping the Jew-hating terrorists enough.

Yeah, that’s a lot more on brand these days …

Several waves of protesters disrupted President Biden’s grandiose fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall Thursday, where he kicked it with former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to raise cash and enthusiasm for his 2024 re-election bid. 

One demonstrator, a woman blowing a whistle, holding a “war pig” sign and warning of “nuclear war with Russia,” was removed from the lavish New York City event, dubbed by the 81-year-old president as a “grassroots fundraiser.”

The first interruption was quickly followed by booing and whistling and two other waves of protests related to Biden’s support for Israel’s war against Hamas. 

“Shame on you Joe Biden,” one of the anti-Israel demonstrators shouted.

Multiple yelled, “Blood on your hands.”

Even the establishment media had to cover the half-dozen organized protests at the $26 million “grassroots” fundraiser, as Joe Biden had called it. (Having two former presidents on stage with Mindy Kaling as emcee and Stephen Colbert on hand as ‘moderator’ just screams “grassroots,” no?)  ABC News counted no fewer than six disruptions during the main panel discussion with the three Democrat presidents over the space of 45 minutes. 

It got under Barack Obama’s skin at one point:

 “No, listen. You can’t talk all the time. Sometimes you have to listen,” Obama said at one point, addressing the interlopers.

“You can’t just talk and not listen,” Obama said, addressing the interlopers.

What a sweet summer child you are, Mr. President! It’s been a while since Obama’s been on a campus in Academia, hasn’t it?

Biden got this almost correct. The grassroots of the Left did show up to the party, and the grassroots of the Left is the anti-Semitic, terrorist-sympathizing mobs that disrupted the fundraiser. This is who progressives are now — radical nihilists ready to ally with any violent movement as long as they target the West and its supposed “occupiers.” They want destruction and chaos for their own long-term ambitions of power, and right now Hamas makes a good ally — not to mention that they fit into their hatred of Jews, too.

In their mind, Biden shouldn’t be shamed for his deadly Kabul Bug-Out. He shouldn’t be shamed for leaving 14,000 Americans to the Taliban, and not even for negotiating a hostage deal that didn’t include a commitment to the release of a single American by Hamas (one toddler got released in a side extension). Rather, Biden should be shamed for not forcing Israel to stand down against a terrorist government in Gaza that conducted the most horrific and barbaric invasion seen in centuries after 17 years of aerial and other attacks.

When they tell you who they are, believe them. When they buy $250 tickets just to make sure you hear their message, believe them even more. The Left has gone insane, and unfortunately for Biden and his pals, they’re not the fringe. They are the Democrat grassroots, cultivated by Obama especially. And they will demand attention all the way to the convention in Chicago. 

The rest of us should pay attention, too. In a new Biden administration, and especially in a Kamala Harris administration, they won’t be disrupting events. They’ll dictate American policy.

Read the full article here
