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Senator Katie Britt Slays Biden- “The American Dream has Turned into a Nightmare”



Senator Katie Britt (R-AL) is a rising Republican star. She delivered the Republican response to the State of the Union address Thursday night.

There could not have been a sharper contrast to the angry old man who yelled at Americans for more than an hour. Biden stood and delivered perhaps the worst State of the Union address I have ever heard. Katie Britt sat at her kitchen table in Alabama and spoke to everyday Americans, women in particular. 

She is a breath of fresh air.

Britt ripped Biden a new one but did so in an almost genteel manner. Her Southern accent allows her words to flow a little softer than other speakers. She allows some emotion to show through as she speaks. She is criticized for being too dramatic but her message was spot-on. 

She called President Biden a “dithering and diminished leader” which is accurate. His advisers must have told him to show energy as he delivered the State of the Union address. He chose to show energy by yelling at the audience throughout the entire speech. It was truly bizarre. Grandpa spent sixty-seven minutes screaming at us to get off his lawn.

Senator Britt’s response was meant to appeal to women voters. Both Biden and Donald Trump have to win women voters in order to be successful in November. Trump needs to win back suburban women and independent voters. Her speech was laser-focused on them. She spoke of the failures of Biden’s policies and how hard it is for families in Biden’s America because of those policies. She spoke about how out of touch Biden is and how he doesn’t understand what regular Americans are going through.

While Biden’s speech was full of lies, nonsense, and gaslighting, Katie Britt’s response was delivered with frank criticism of Biden’s presidency from her kitchen table. The setting triggered some criticism but it was a clever move. She is the youngest senator and is 42 years old. She and her husband have two children. She comes off as an everywoman, not some robotic politician rattling off talking points.

“The country we know and love seems to be slipping away and it feels like the next generation will have fewer opportunities and less freedoms than we did,” Britt continued.

“The true, unvarnished state of our union begins and ends with this: our families are hurting. Our country can do better,” Britt said.

As my colleague at Red State noted, she was mean-girled by the right as well as the left. 

Katie Britt is a smart conservative woman and that drives the haters nuts. She is relatable. 

Britt, a 42 year-old former congressional staffer and mother of two, was elected to the Senate in 2022 with former President Donald Trump’s endorsement. She promised to come to Washington as a “momma on a mission” and has carved out a unique role in the GOP conference as an adviser to Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell and an experienced former aide on the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Alabama set off a national debate on in vitro fertilization. Britt reassured her audience that Republicans support Americans hoping to have families and that includes through the use of IVF. Joe Biden concentrated on shrinking the birth of babies through abortion. 

She addressed crime and safety in communities. 

“For years, the left has coddled criminals and defunded the police — all while letting repeat offenders walk free,” Britt said in her response. “The result is tragic but foreseeable — from our small towns to America’s most iconic city streets, life is getting more and more dangerous.”

She trashed Biden for the open southern border. She spoke passionately about her trips to the border and speaking with victims of human trafficking, including women who have been sold into sex slavery. I’ve heard her tell those stories at other times and she is a compelling advocate for those women.

Nonetheless, the haters hated her response. 

Yes. She encouraged the viewers to support Trump. Trump endorsed her when she ran for the Senate seat and won two years ago. Her job was to attract voters who will vote out Joe Biden.

Her way of speaking drew slams. 

NeverTrumpers and the Daily Beast did not approve of her performance.

She is a more emotional speaker than other politicians but that’s her. So what? It’s better than being yelled at by an old man with dementia. Oh no, she’s lost the Daily Beast. She showed the contrast between generations as she spoke about Biden’s out-of-touch speech. “Joe Biden has been in office longer than I’ve been alive.” Ouch. She is half his age. 

Normies are hard to relate to by the journo bubble-dwellers. The elitists in the media prefer the status quo. 

How will Katie Britt ever recover? 

What’s a comment about a speech delivered by a conservative woman without a reference to The Handmaid’s Tale? And she wore a cross necklace, too? Oh nooo. 

I’m with our colleague over at Twitchy. It happens every time.

I’ll end by posting her speech. You can judge for yourself if you haven’t already done so. She’s a rising star, a breath of fresh air, a happy warrior, and she’s relatable to at least half of America. It works for me.

Read the full article here
