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Republicans didn’t “insert” culture war into Defense bill; Democrats did



If you only read the MSM, you would think that Republicans have been on a Jihad against everything right and good and proper by “inserting” radical culture war provisions into the National Defense Authorization Act, risking the country’s defense in order to make radical social changes that will harm servicemembers.

Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, as is often the case when reading MSM stories about any partisan disagreement, you can reliably invert the narrative to get closer to the truth.

Let’s take a look at the issues which Republicans are pushing. The first thing you will notice is that they are not pushing to make radical changes to the way the military runs based on some social agenda; rather, they are trying to put a stop to radical changes the Biden Administration has been making without Congressional approval, or for that matter any approval of the American people, who have made clear in polling that they oppose most of the things Biden is doing.

The big issues are these: changes the Biden Administration has made to abortion policies, transgender surgeries and treatments for servicemembers and their families, and a restriction on the types of flags that may be flown at military bases.

Republicans are not trying to restrict anything that has been common practice in the military for decades; in fact, they are trying to reign in Biden’s radical Leftward shift in military policies that break longstanding practice. It’s not like the US military was recruiting people by giving them the incentive to chop off healthy body parts in the past or promising to provide Drag Queen Story Hours for all the children of soldiers.

In fact, it is the Democrats who are the aggressors here in the cultural war battles, and Republicans are playing defense on all these issues. Biden has pursued a radical Left-wing agenda and has viewed the military as his personal policy playground, and the military is far worse off for his doing so.

The military can’t even recruit new soldiers and airmen anymore, because the traditional recruiting pool is repelled by what the military is becoming. Walking into a recruiting station flying the Progress Pride Flag turns out to be very unattractive for the young men and women who are most likely to join the military.

One of the most ridiculous arguments about the culture wars is that the aggressors are conservatives. The opposite is the case. Democrats are making radical changes to every aspect of our society, most of which poll at ridiculously low levels, even among many Democrats, and when Republicans try to stop the madness the MSM and the Left go into outrage mode about how aggressive conservatives are in the culture war.

None of these changes is organic. The dramatic rise in “gender dysphoria” in young people is manufactured by the Left, and it will not end well for anybody. Yet the cultural and political elite are shoving this, CRT, the lowering of educational standards, and in many states abortion until birth onto the country.

The government funds all these movements, often through grants, but also through direct means such as pushing propaganda in public schools.

Conservatives have no choice but to fight back. Laws are being passed to prohibit parents from opting out of “social and emotional learning” programs, CRT is becoming how social studies and government are taught, and drag queens are now regularly showing up in schools. And then the FBI is sent after parents who object.

You can see how effective the collaboration between the Left and the MSM is though. Most Americans are led to believe that the Republicans are the radicals for opposing what are themselves radical practices.

The Republicans have to become the Party of Parents, who are waking up to how radical the Left has become. We have to go around the MSM, ridicule them, and keep the pressure on. The more parents dealing with normal kids suddenly swept up in the alphabet movement, the more we need to recruit.

Like all social movements, progress is slow until the moment it goes into hyperdrive. That is what happened with gay marriage. We can make it happen here.

Until then, playing defense in Congress is the best they can do in Washington.

Read the full article here
