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Poll: Strong Majority Opposes Biden’s Secret Migrant Flights



Earlier this month, we learned that the Biden administration had flown hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants into the country, discharging them at 43 different airports around the nation, the names of which they refuse to disclose. The White House has been frantically trying to explain this away as something perfectly “normal” ever since, going so far as to claim that they somehow vetted that many people remotely, but voters are rightly skeptical of such a claim. People have been understandably outraged, given all of the problems and literal dangers posed by many of these migrants. Now, new polling from Rasmussen shows that well over half of all voters oppose these secretive flights, while only a small fraction approve of the scheme.

After reports about a secretive Biden administration program to fly illegal immigrants into the United States, most U.S. voters oppose the program.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 60% of Likely U.S. Voters disapprove of the program of international flights that last year transported more than 300,000 illegal immigrants to U.S. airports, including 46% who Strongly Disapprove.

These numbers represent more bad news for Biden’s team as he seeks to be reelected. We already knew that immigration and the border crisis have surged to be the top concern among voters, surpassing even the economy. Now this news about the secret flights has only added insult to injury. Sixty percent is a massive number, particularly in an election year. Among those, nearly half (46%) say they “strongly disapprove.” Conversely, just 25% approve of the flights, with barely 10% willing to say they “strongly approved.” You have to wonder who that ten percent is.

Also keep in mind that as we move closer to the end of the primaries, the polling companies begin to shift their sampling models. This was not a poll of “all adults” or even “all voters.” This poll was conducted among “likely voters.” In other words, Joe Biden is managing to tick off well more than half of the people we expect to show up and vote on November 5. You can almost hear the alarm klaxons blaring outside the Oval Office this morning.

The legacy media has, as usual, been doing their level best to cover for Biden. ABC News invested sixteen paragraphs in an effort to “fact check” the report about the flights. They claimed that CBP reports the number of arriving migrants each month on its website. It’s true that they do publish total numbers, but you never saw anything about flights arriving from various countries there. In fact, if you go look at their web page explaining the CBP One program, it speaks specifically about scheduling “appointments at land ports of entry” using the app. Feel free to scroll down through the entire page. There is no mention of flights or airports.  ABC also claimed that migrants using the app are supposed to be “paying their own way” for these flights. But those payments can be waived, and you may rest assured that they have been waived a lot.

As to the dubious claims that all of the migrants were vetted before boarding flights, that’s already been largely debunked. During recent Senate hearings, Ted Cruz learned from DHS that the CBP has almost no way to verify the names and addresses that the migrants provide when applying for entry using the app. They have largely been “taking them at their word” in terms of who they are, where they live, and whether or not they have any sort of criminal record. I know… you all think I’m such a suspicious person, right? I mean, why would any of the migrants lie about something like that?

This entire program is a very bad joke. Unfortunately, the American public wasn’t let in on the joke and they will pay the brunt of the cost for it. It will take years to find and remove all of these people, assuming that’s even possible. 

Read the full article here
