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Politico calls a waahmbulance: Conservatives already HAVE a “purge climate action” plan



This is a pretty hysterical piece of political hackery here from Politico. I’m not sure how to characterize it, exactly – it’s kind of a woke/liberal/climate cultist call to action, all while upping the fragile Leftist scariness quotient. For that, they put Trump front and center in the headline, photo, and sprinkle his name liberally through the piece.

It’s nice to have a ready made orange boogie man to wig themselves out with any old time they feel like emoting.

The problem with their picture and headlines – as even their small print admits – it doesn’t have anything to do with Trump. I’ve been sitting here, giving a quick once-over to the .pdf of this terrifying manifesto, and it’s a pretty sober, Trump-free read.

I mean, look at these silly frauds (the bold in the center is mine).

Conservatives have already written a climate plan for Trump’s second term
Hundreds of conservative operatives outlined a plan that Donald Trump, or any Republican, could use to purge climate action from the federal government.

Okay. “Or any Republican.” So they’re full of it from the get-go.

As much as they want to beat that Trump alarm gong to death, there isn’t a dang thing in the first 3 paragraphs of their tightly messaged, hysteria infused story I have a single problem with. Matter of fact, it’s got SIGN ME UP written all over it.

Conservative groups have crafted a plan for demolishing the federal government’s efforts to counter climate change — and it wouldn’t stop with President Joe Biden’s policies.

The 920-page blueprint, whose hundreds of authors include former Trump administration officials, would go far beyond past GOP efforts to slash environmental agencies’ budgets or oust “deep state” employees.

Called Project 2025, it would block the expansion of the electrical grid for wind and solar energy; slash funding for the Environmental Protection Agency’s environmental justice office; shutter the Energy Department’s renewable energy offices; prevent states from adopting California’s car pollution standards; and delegate more regulation of polluting industries to Republican state officials.

What in that last paragraph is not to love?


…If enacted, it could decimate the federal government’s climate work, stymie the transition to clean energy and shift agencies toward nurturing the fossil fuel industry rather than regulating it. It’s designed to be implemented on the first day of a Republican presidency.

OMG, I damn near need a cocktail and a cigarette after reading that. This is some steamy talk.

A plan to deconstruct the government is just the beginning of what Republicans will expect from their presidential candidate, said Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker who crafted a sweeping “Contract With America” on the way to the GOP takeover of Congress in the 1994 elections. Releasing it before the primary race heats up can give people “time to absorb the new idea, think it through and then embrace it.”

…More than 400 people participated in crafting Project 2025’s details. Former Trump administration officials played a key role in writing the chapters on dismantling EPA and DOE.

Dear Politico, I wouldn’t care if Jack the Ripper played key roles “dismantling the EPA and DOE” as long as it gets done. Shrieking TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP like you’re shaking a voodoo stick with beads, feathers and a shrunken head doesn’t change a thing. You just look obvious.

And here comes a classic liberal hit with zero sense of self-awareness. The former TRUMP fellow who wrote the section that particularly offends and disturbs Politico’s tender sensibilities HAS NO REGULATORY EXPERIENCE and was, get this, politically biased – “overtly” so.


…The plan to gut the Department of Energy was written by Bernard McNamee, a former DOE official whom Trump appointed to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. McNamee, who did not have regulatory experience, was one of the most overtly political FERC appointees in decades. He was a director at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a conservative think tank that fights climate regulations, and was a senior adviser to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).

HAS NO REGULATORY EXPERIENCE is suddenly a bad thing to Politico, and he only wrote the plan. McNamee’s not in charge of anything, like, well…

Allie Vugrincic/The Vindicator via AP, Pool


I can see why they hate him, though.

…McNamee outlines cutting key divisions at DOE, including the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations and the Loan Programs Office. He has called climate change a “progressive policy.”

McNamee calls a cherished progressive religious cult a “policy.” Guaranteed hurt #feelz right there.

There are more straight talkers and good ideas in the article. Probably tons of non-starters, no doubt but hey! Nothing gets done without some kind of plan somewhere, and for once, it seems our side remembered that. Check out the Project 2025 pdf, too.

I don’t know about you, but it sounds terrific and well done to all the contributors of every stripe for having come up with a plan.

That’s a great place to start.

Read the full article here
