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Nolte: Trump Crushes Biden, Nikki Haley Loses in National Poll



Former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) loses to His Fraudulency Joe Biden, while former President Trump crushes the sitting president.

If the 2024 presidential election were held today, Trump would defeat Hunter’s Dad by a margin of 49 percent to 41 percent, according to polling from Rasmussen Reports.

If Nikki Haley is the 2024 Republican nominee, she would lose to Biden by two points, 36 to 38 percent.

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) would only eke out a single-point margin against Biden, 42 to 41 percent.

For those dumb enough to still trust the corporate media, here’s a mind-bender: Trump does much better with black voters than DeSantis and Haley. Biden would win 57 percent of the black vote, while Trump earns 37 percent. That number should be 80/20 in favor of President Roomba. I know of no modern Republican who has ever polled that well with black Americans. If Trump earned half that, just 18 percent, it would still be impressive.

DeSantis earns just 29 percent of the black vote to Biden’s 56 percent.

Haley has 19 percent of black support to Biden’s 55 percent.

Black Support

  • Trump: 37 percent
  • DeSantis: 29 percent
  • Haley: 19 percent

Yep, Trump earns nearly twice the support Haley does.

Here’s another beauty in this poll… By double digits, Trump earns more support from women than DeSantis and Haley.

With Biden on the ballot, Trump leads 49 percent to 44 percent among women. DeSantis loses to Biden with women, 44 percent to 37 percent.

Haley (who is a woman) wins only 30 percent female support, compared to Biden’s 40 percent.

Women Support

  • Trump: 49 percent
  • DeSantis: 37 percent
  • Haley: 30 percent

Trump is also leading among young and dumb voters.

Against Biden, Trump earns 38 percent of 18-39 year-olds, compared to Biden’s 51 percent.

DeSantis only attracts 30 percent of the 18 to 39 crowd.

Haley does worst of all with the yewts:  just 22 percent support.

Young and Dumb Voters

  • Trump: 38 percent
  • DeSantis: 30 percent
  • Haley: 22 percent

This big talking point among the crybaby mercenaries we call NeverTrump is electability… Well, nowhere are we seeing where Trump has an electability problem in any polling. In fact, he is currently polling better today than at any time in 2020 and 2016. The national and swing state polling are all falling Trump’s way.

Yes, a lot could change, but only a fool would believe that if Nikki Haley wins the nomination, the corporate media won’t fabricate conspiracy theories and hoaxes to turn her into a gay-hating, racial sellout, gender traitor, dangerous and unstable Nazi.

Look at how quickly this same media turned war hero and “maverick” John McCain into an aging Nazi.

Look at what was done to RINO Mitt Romney.

It doesn’t matter who our guy is; by next November, he’s a Nazi.

What we need is someone who will treat the corporate media like what they are: dangerous, fascist, left-wing militants who would rather see a Republican assassinated than president. DeSantis is great with the media, but his campaign has been a disaster, which doesn’t bode well with a much more brutal general election.

Haley seeks to appease the media and makes a lot of dumb mistakes… Saying she wants to remove anonymity online and blowing that Civil War question (How about answering it this way: “Democrats launched the Civil War because they refused to free their slaves.” Duh.) Those are the screw-ups that bury general election campaigns and, most especially, chicken-hearted establishment Republicans.

Trump makes mistakes, sure, we all would. But he has the savvy to change the subject. Plus, although he allegedly lost in 2020, he still earned more votes than Barry Obama ever did. It’s difficult to picture Haley or DeSantis generating that kind of enthusiasm.

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