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Nolte: Ronna McDaniel Considers Defamation Suit Against Far-Left NBC



Former RNC chief Ronna McDaniel is considering a defamation suit against NBC News, far-left Politico reports.

McDaniel had signed a two-year contract with NBC News, a left-wing propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories. As a contributor to both NBC News and MSNBC, she was to be paid $300,000 per year.

Then, after McDaniel’s first appearance Sunday, former Meet the Press host Chuck Todd launched a McCarthyite crusade to have McDaniel fired. His fellow fascists, like Joe Scarborough and Rachel Maddow, quickly joined in. On Tuesday, McDaniel was fired. NBCUniversal News Group Chair Cesar Conde announced the firing with a “note to employees that included a personal apology to employees and a mention of ‘our deep commitment to presenting our audiences with a widely diverse set of viewpoints and experiences.’”

Did you get that part about our deep commitment to presenting our audiences with a widely diverse set of viewpoints and experiences? That is some weak-ass trolling right there.

There is not a single Trump supporter at MSNBC. MSNBC hires only left-wing homophobes, left-wing election-deniers, left-wing Jew-haters, and former Democrat campaign operatives who spent five years lying to America about the 2016 presidential election and continued lying even after Special Counsel Robert Mueller cleared Donald Trump of colluding with Russia.

According to the Politico report, McDaniel “spoke yesterday with Bryan Freedman, renowned lawyer to the estranged cable-news stars, to discuss legal options even beyond recouping every penny of her $600,000 contract.” Freedman sounds like a killer, one who has already done wonders for fired cable news anchors Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, and Tucker Carlson.

Now, the good stuff [emphasis original]:

McDaniel, we’re told, is exploring potential defamation and hostile work environment torts after MSNBC’s top talent — momentarily her colleagues — took turns Monday blasting her on air. (NBC declined to comment about the $600,000 figure or her potential claims.)

Most of all, they’re furious that the network did little to push back on a multi-day campaign against their new hire on their own airwaves. Host after host cast McDaniel as an enemy of democracy for, among other things, participating in a November 2020 phone call where then-President DONALD TRUMP sought to convince Michigan GOP elections officials not to certify election results.

Naturally, everyone at NBC, from the NBCUniversal News Group Chair Cesar Conde to Meet the Press moderator and diversity hire Kristen Welker, come off as scheming, dishonest backstabbers pretending they had no idea McDaniel was coming on board when it sure sounds like they did.

Honestly, these people are so vile and corrupt. The good news is that their vileness and corruption are no longer hidden. They feel so insulated in their velvet echo chamber. They are so far removed from Normal people that they have no idea how Normal people see them and what they are doing to their own reputations and credibility.

But as I said yesterday, this was also a calculated move to interfere in the 2024 election — a preemptive move, a dog whistle to Republican operatives that if they criticize the media or argue against a precious media narrative, they will not be employable in the sweet, sweet world of cable news contributors. In other words, Chuck Todd and the rest are hoping the New Blacklist Rules will sabotage the effectiveness of Trump campaign staffers.

However much you hate the corporate media, I promise it is not enough.

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