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No Endorsement: Biden Has Lost Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson



Regrets. The Rock has a few. One of them is his endorsement of Joe Biden in 2020. He’s not making that mistake again.

In 2020, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson endorsed the Biden-Harris ticket in the presidential race. During an exclusive interview on Fox and Friends Friday morning, Johnson told host Will Cain that he sees himself as an independent voter. The endorsement of Biden was the first he ever made of a political candidate.

Cain asked Johnson if he was happy about that endorsement now and with the current state of culture in America. He said no.

“Am I happy with the state of America right now? Well, that answer’s no. Do I believe we’re going to get better? I believe in that. I’m an optimistic guy, and I believe we can get better,” he began.

“The endorsement that I made years ago with Biden was what I thought was the best decision for me at that time,” he said. However, he regretted the division caused by wading into politics and said he would not be publicly endorsing a candidate this time around.

He realized that political endorsements can divide fans of celebrities. That should have been clear before he endorsed in 2020, though. Didn’t he realize the country was already sharply divided about politics and the two presidential candidates? How could he not if he was interested in the presidential race enough to make his first public endorsement of a candidate?

Lots of WWE fans are conservatives. He probably alienated many of them at the time. Vince McMahon is a friend and supporter of Donald Trump. Linda McMahon was a member of Trump’s cabinet. 

Johnson’s social media reach is big. He has more than 17M followers on X (formerly Twitter) and 397M on Instagram. 

He’s all about being honest and not worrying about offending people. He isn’t worrying about cancel culture. “To be real and to be direct and to be open and to be transparent….that’s important to me. In today’s easy cancel culture world and cancel culture, woke culture, this culture, that culture division, etc., that really bugs me.”

He continued, “You either succumb and be what you think other people want you to be, or you go, ‘No, that’s not who I am. I’m going to be myself and I’m going to be real.’ If you ask me something, a real answer is important, and the truthful answer is important, and that may get people upset and may p— people off. And that’s okay.” But it took me some time to recognize that.”

So now he will keep his vote private. He doesn’t like division. He also did not shoot down the idea of running for office himself in the future. He’s a spring chicken in today’s politics at the age of 51. Some people asked him to run for president this cycle but he rejected that notion. Maybe he should start by running for governor in California like Reagan and Schwarzenegger did if he’s interested in elected office. With his fan base and name recognition, he could just go for it and run for president, like Donald Trump did in 2015. Who knows? Stranger things have happened.

Read the full article here
