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NBC: alphabet people have always been “coming for your children”



This is quite the hot-take defense of a Pride parade chant that the LGBTQIA+/- is “coming for your children.”

Apparently, NBC News thinks it’s all in fun, and has been going on for years, so no big deal.

To be a bit fairer to NBC, their argument is that the chant was meant ironically, not literally, so it is fine, hunky dory, and totally appropriate. It is appropriating a slur to eliminate its power to harm the alphabet mob.

To conservative pundits, activists and lawmakers, the video confirmed the allegations they’ve levied in recent years that the LGBTQ community is “grooming” children.

But to Brian Griffin, the original organizer of the NYC Drag March, if that’s the worst they heard, it’s only because he wasn’t there this year.

Griffin said he chanted obscene things in the past, like “Kill, kill, kill, we’re coming to kill the mayor,” and joked about pubic hair and sex toys during marches. People at the Drag March regularly sing “God is a lesbian.”

“It’s all just words,” Griffin said. “It’s all presented to fulfill their worst stereotypes of us.”

The “coming for your children” chant has been used for years at Pride events, according to longtime march attendees and gay rights activists, who said it’s one of many provocative expressions used to regain control of slurs against LGBTQ people. And in this case, they said, right-wing activists are jumping on a single video to weaponize an out-of-context remark to further stigmatize the queer community.

Of course, given how the alphabet people are in fact coming for your children, this is a pretty odd take. It’s not even difficult to make the argument that they are “coming for your children,” since public schools are actively pushing every aspect of alphabet ideology, moving to make it mandatory, and actively pushing transgenderism in the schools while bragging that they are hiding child transitions from parents.

States are pushing “sanctuary laws” that allow the government to emancipate children from non-affirming parents, parents to kidnap children and cross state lines (most Amber alerts are about non-custodial parents kidnapping children, putting states in the odd position of chasing down kidnappers and then, when they claim to be “affirming” the gender of children, protecting them from law enforcement in other states), and allowing third parties to perform experimental medical procedures on children without parental permission.

That certainly counts as “coming for your children.”

The San Francisco and Boston Gay Men’s Choirs have both performed songs that, indeed, the alphabet people are coming for your children. If this is irony, it is pretty in-your-face.

One of the heroes of the trans movement–promoted extensively in the MSM as an example of kindness to transgender children, is a big advocate of children rejecting their parents and developing a private relationship with him, specifically, through the use of a Patreon account. This is obviously and explicitly “coming for your children.”

There is a movement to get minors to go “no contact” with parents–a typical grooming tactic to separate children from their loved ones and attach them to predators–and Marsh gives lessons on how to do so.

And yet The Los Angeles Times and the New York Times gushed about how great he is:

Why NBC News thinks that they are defending the “we are coming for your children” chant by claiming it is common and has been used for years is in itself a mystery, but in the context of the obvious fact that, indeed, the alphabet people ARE coming for your children it is also rather unconvincing on its face.

Nobody would have much of a beef with these people if they weren’t “coming for your children.” The claim that the accusation is a smear is implausible, and the defense of alphabet people on such flimsy grounds is transparently ideological.

NBC has beclowned itself, again. And yet, it seems, that the alphabet people are winning most battles in the culture war.


Read the full article here
