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Mystery Solved? Biden Considers Executive Order on Screening Asylum-Seekers



President Biden is considering signing an executive order that will make it harder for illegal immigrants to pass the initial screening for asylum. This will cause quicker deportations at the southern border. 

This means that Biden is admitting that he could secure the U.S.-Mexico border all along. He had the power to do so, just as he did by signing executive orders to open the border as he did on his first day in the White House. All that talk about how Congress must act so he could was all malarkey. He knew it. We knew it. 

The vast majority of illegal immigrants are told to say they seek asylum when they arrive on U.S. soil. They don’t qualify for asylum because they are illegally entering our country for a job, for economic reasons. They want the American Dream but they don’t want to go for it lawfully. Coming to America for a job is not a reason for being granted asylum in current immigration law.

The Biden administration doesn’t enforce the law. This is not an administration with law and order as a top priority. The illegal border crossers are apprehended, processed, and released into the interior of the United States. 

Biden is considering taking action without Congress. By tightening up during the screening process, more illegals can be quickly deported which will ease the flood of illegal immigration. Those who do not meet the criteria are not allowed to stay.

Don’t get too excited too soon. Biden won’t finalize his decision for weeks. Progressives will freak out over any changes in how the administration handles the southern border. They want the chaos when the world tries to enter our country illegally. NGOs are making a fortune on government contracts to assist the illegals. Mark my words, there will be an increase in stories meant to tug at your heartstrings about illegal aliens.  

The reason Biden is moving now on the issue of illegal immigration is because he’s up for re-election. His poll numbers are terrible. Trump is up over him in every poll I’ve seen lately. Immigration and securing the southern border is the top issue for voters this cycle. 

Voters are fed up with how Biden has turned every state into a border state because of illegal aliens moving into all areas of the country. No community will escape Biden’s deliberate mismanagement of the border. That means taxpayers all around the country are footing the bill. Biden has no choice but to pretend he is concerned and doing something about it now. 

Under the new policies, asylum officers would be instructed to raise the standards they use in their “credible fear interviews,” the first screening given to asylum-seekers who are trying to avoid deportation for crossing the border illegally. And Immigration and Customs Enforcement would be told to prioritize recently arrived migrants for deportation, in a “last in, first out” policy, the officials said.

A congressional aide with knowledge of the deliberations said the Biden administration has yet to make a decision, but raising the bar on asylum and deporting more newly arrived migrants are considered “low hanging fruit” and actions that can be taken quickly.

The three U.S. officials said it is unclear whether the policies would be achieved through executive order or a new federal regulation, which could take months to implement.

These are not new ideas. Making it harder to claim asylum and expeditating deportations have been options all along for the Biden administration. Biden and DHS Secretary Mayorkas have been derelict in their top duty – keeping the homeland safe and protecting American citizens. Mayorkas has been impeached in the House and Biden should have been impeached over the open border, too. Mayorkas is just following orders from Biden. 

Team Biden recently floated the possibility that Biden would use the State of the Union Address next month to announce a new policy on the border. No one said what that executive order might be, though, so perhaps this solves the mystery. Progressive will push back on any action but most of the country will be relieved that at least something is being done. 

There is some skepticism among DHS officials about the last in, first out policy. It leaves millions of illegal aliens who are already in the United States in place. There are thousands of homeless illegals in cities who are in legal limbo while their cases are waiting to go to immigration court. DHS, however, still blames Congress. 

“If Congress once again refuses to provide the critical funding needed to support DHS’s vital missions, they would be harming DHS’s efforts to deliver tough and timely consequences to those who do not have a legal basis to remain in the country,” the spokesperson said. “There are real limits to what we can do given current funding because Congress has failed to pass a budget or respond to the President’s two supplemental budget requests. We again call on Congress to act and provide the funding and tools our frontline personnel need.”

Biden had the power all along. Worries over his re-election have become pronounced enough for him to now admit it. 

Read the full article here
