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McCaskill: ‘Calcified Epicenter of Trumpism’ only 16% — Majority Rejecting ‘Tribal Politics’



MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill said Monday on “Deadline” that former President Donald Trump’s “calcified epicenter” of support is 16% of the country.

McCaskill said, “Rudy Giuliani, 22 years ago, his approval rating was about 72% in America. A poll taken a few days ago, his approval rating was 16%.”

Anchor Nicolle Wallace said, “And who are they?”

McCaskill said, “I’ll tell you who they are. They are the calcified epicenter of Trumpism.”

She continued, “I want to, in this somber reflection of what our country went through and how we united after that moment, I want to lay blame clearly and simply at fact for the first time in America we had a leader that had no desire to unite the country. I mean, George Bush wanted to unite the country. Sometimes he wanted to do it in ways I disagreed with. Bill Clinton wanted to unite the country. George Bush’s father wanted to unite the country. John McCain wanted to unite the country. Joe Biden wants to unite. There’s only one outlier here.”

She added, “Donald Trump wanted to drive a wedge of grievance between America’s most vaulted institutions and the American people. That grievance is his political coin in the realm. It is making people angry and cynical, not all Americans.”

McCaskill concluded, “I think most Americans are weighing in on Rudy Giuliani, exactly right. They want us to get back to a time where it’s not all about tribal politics. That we can come together, I think that’s Joe Biden’s strongest case for re-election, stronger than any policy. It’s the ideals of this country and the extremism can not prevail. We have a lot of challenges around that, but it cannot prevail. Donald Trump has people that totally bought in, but not the majority of this great country.”

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