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Mayor Adams tells foreign brown people to go somewhere else



Well, wait, WHUT?!

Don’t tell me that New York City is already rolling up the Sanctuary carpet?

Mayor Eric Adams is telling illegal migrants from the border don’t bother coming, and he’s doing it with rapper flare, baby.

Yo, stay home, homies.

“…capacity was verbalized and now it’s going to be visually actualized…”

The NYT was a tad more restrained in their reporting of the sudden shift, but you get the drift. Here’s the book-club edition:

Jazz had more specifics on Hizzoner’s plans this morning. They consist of…well…handing out flyers at the border.

…The flyers will reportedly be available in multiple languages since many of the new arrivals can neither speak nor read English. But this effort may wind up being more of a public relations stunt than an actual plan for action. The border is almost 2,000 miles long and literally tens of thousands of people are crossing it every day. How many people is he dispatching to the south and how many flyers are they printing? Also, many parts of the border are dangerous and not everyone coming across is a “migrant.” Will Mayor Adams be sending random, unarmed citizens to potentially try to hand flyers to cartel members and drug mules?

Gosh. If that doesn’t sound like just the sort of “plan” a rapper, dapper mayor would come up with, I don’t know what does. But Hizzoner has had it up to here, and says they’ve “done more than any level of government” which…okay. Who knows what that means.

I’m assuming they’re referencing this big of PR from the mayor’s office.

…“During this humanitarian crisis, New York City has stepped up in a way that no other locality in the country has in support of asylum seekers,” said Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs Manuel Castro. “From the start, we have called on the federal government to develop a fair decompression strategy to ensure asylum seekers find the support they need across the country, and not just rely on any one city. Unfortunately, this has not happened. As we move forward, we continue to call on the federal government to do more. We also call on the federal government to use all their powers to expedite work permits for asylum seekers, including establishing and redesignating Temporary Protection Status for those who arrived in the last year.”

There’s a touch of “why is everybody always picking on me” in that paragraph – Chicago might argue a point or two about poor NYC being “the only one.” But NYC has also made its own bed, both by being the country’s largest metropolitan area and a beacon of hopeful light (once upon a time, especially considering the *cough cough* statue in the harbor) across the world, and for espousing in-your-face liberal values as loudly and obnoxiously as they possibly could, while tiny Texas border towns faced repeated inundations from illegal human waves.

In fact, it was just a year ago or so that the dapper rapper figured to make good use of these uninvited sanctuary guests. Besides a less than stellar roll-out, Adam’s team ruffled some feathers scrambling for “Welcome” shots with their efforts on Hizzoner’s behalf as the migrants began arriving.

…The city’s early response to the influx of migrants was marked by weeks of flailing and missteps, deeply at odds with the give-me-your-huddled-masses rhetoric of Mayor Eric Adams. Some families slept at an intake office in the Bronx, in violation of the law. Some were separated by bureaucratic snafus. And advocates said the city often failed to provide basics like food, diapers and medical attention.

…Two weeks ago, Mr. Adams’s team injected itself into a volunteer welcome effort at the Port Authority at which camera crews were present, several volunteers said, taking food donated by volunteers from a table so that Mr. Adams could distribute it. “People from the mayoral team were screaming at the refugees to smile at the mayor,” said Ariadna Phillips, the founder of South Bronx Mutual Aid.

“Ooo, that’s not true and really mean,” said the mayor’s team. What was true was how badly Adams botched the migrant inflow for months.

…For much of the summer, aid groups said they were stepping in to help migrants left stranded and confused by the city.

There’s another peculiarly NYC wrinkle hampering Hizzoner’s efforts to move migrants along. Besides the fact that 30 upstate counties moved quickly with executive orders which basically don’t allow them to take the city’s overflow humans (for which the city is suing all 30 counties), NYC has a strict “right-to-shelter” law, which seemed like a terrific, fuzzy warm liberal idea at the time. It’s killing them now.

Adams has been trying to sidestep or modify the “right-to-shelter” statute under the same reasoning – we can’t take everyone!

*laughs in El Paso*

…On May 23 Mr. Adams petitioned a state judge to modify the city’s right-to-shelter obligations under the 1981 consent decree in Callahan v. Carey. He specifically asked for language that would ease the city’s obligations if it “lacks the resources and capacity to establish and maintain sufficient shelter sites, staffing, and security to provide safe and appropriate shelter.” Mr. Adams later said in a statement: “It is in the best interest of everyone, including those seeking to come to the United States, to be upfront that New York City cannot single-handedly provide care to everyone crossing our border.”

Aside from being a hefty financial and operational burden on the city, Mr. Eide argues that stringent right-to-shelter requirements hamstring the city’s efforts to respond to the crisis. “It’s a very undemocratic thing,” he says. “If you want to make just modest changes to the way you run the homeless shelter system, you have to ask the court.”

Poor New York. waah waah

Adams has wanted to put the migrants on cruise ships, a mail hangar at JFK, they’re housed in the formerly elegant Roosevelt Hotel, etc, and all the while “the migrants” can’t be bothered to show up for any of the paperwork.

So, they do have themselves in a pickle, mostly of their own making, and handing out flyers isn’t going to do a thing but muck up drainage at the border.

Especially when it’s not so much Gov Abbott’s buses but your own mouth bringing the hordes across.

Remember when you weren’t concerned at all about your rhetoric?

I do.

Read the full article here
