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Mayor Adams calls former Nazi refugee a “plantation owner”



Eric Adams, mayor of New York City, has a problem.

It’s his opinion of himself.

It’s really quite high and, frankly, he’s overrated.

He’s also a prickly, racist ass when his “tool cool for school” mask slips.

One thing he can’t handle, which he shares with many less-than-intellectual Democratic office holders, is a gracious demeanor when confronted during public engagements with actual constituents.

The Slickster likes things orchestrated so he won’t wrinkle a mental crease, if you get my drift. Those who ask questions at forums are preselected: he knows what’s coming, no mental gymnastics or awkward moments with people who do not admire him as much as he admires himself.

Don’t upset the mayor – chant the mantra. He smiles, claps backs, yadda yadda yadda.

It’s all the guy’s got.

Except his smart mouth, and, man – did he shoot that off Wednesday and hit himself in the foot.

Jeanie Dubnau, 84, said she attended the community conversation at a school in Upper Manhattan because she thought residents would be allowed to voice their opinion on the Rent Guidelines Board increasing the monthly payments for one million rent-stabilized apartments in the Big Apple.

…Speaking to the New York Post, Dubnau said she attended the meeting on Wednesday ‘because I thought we’d have the opportunity to speak, which we did not, because the meeting was completely controlled by [Adams’] people.

‘And that’s why I had to stand up and spontaneously speak,’ the assistant professor of biology at Rutgers University continued, claiming: ‘We weren’t being called on. It was a person chosen by his people who were going to speak.’

In footage from the meeting on Wednesday, Dubnau could be seen interrupting Adams saying he raised the rent.

What he says to a little old lady is beyond disgraceful.

…Don’t point at me and don’t be disrespectful to me. I’m the mayor of this city and treat me with the respect I deserve to be treated

I’m speaking to you as an adult…

Don’t stand in front like you treated someone that’s on the plantation that you owned

Buddy, “respect” is not the first word that springs to mind.

As for that “plantation owner,” she came to this country with her parents. They’d fled the Nazis to Belgium, immigrated after the war, and she’s been a tenant advocate and professor for decades.

…Dubnau was born in Belgium shortly after her parents fled the Nazi regime in Germany.

After hiding out in the European country throughout World War II, Dubnau and her parents emigrated to America and she has lived in the Big Apple ever since.

She became a volunteer tenant organizer in 1960, and now serves as the chairwoman of the Riverside Edgecombe Neighborhood Association.

She’s truly been a “public servant.”

But “respect muh authority.”

Ms. Dubnau was only at the meeting to advocate for those people, and only became vocal when not allowed to speak.

…An article about the incident on the news website Hell Gate was headlined: “Eric Adams Compares New Yorker Mad About Rising Rents to a Plantation Owner.”

Yes, that’s the mayor of New York City, comparing a rightfully cranky New Yorker who was asking a valid question about housing affordability, to a slaveowner,” Hell Gate said.

The “this isn’t 1960 and you don’t talk to any black person with such disrespect” crowd is overlooking the fact that the MAYOR was HIRED by New Yorkers to do a JOB and not ANNOINTED BY GOD.

Ms. Dubnau, bless her heart, isn’t having any of it.

…Asked to comment on the mayor’s rhetoric toward her, she said, “I don’t want to talk about that. I want to talk about what the mayor has done as an enemy of the tenants. He was deflecting. He was trying to get away from that.”

…Adams also described his own travails as the owner of a three-family home, saying he had not raised his tenants’ rent in 15 years even as rising costs are putting pressure and in some cases displacing owners of small properties.

Dubnau wasn’t impressed. “The fact of the matter is that he is a landlord himself,” she said. “He got millions from the real estate industry and he’s paying them back. He’s as corrupt as that.”

As corrupt as that, and a classless, racist hack who is in way, way over his pointy head.

I hope she shows up at every meeting from now on.

Read the full article here
