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Mark Levin’s book might offend Democrats so Target wimps out – won’t sell the book



Here we go again. Target is making itself a target (pun intended) for another boycott by conservative Americans. Apparently the decision-makers at Target took the same executive training course as the decision-makers at Bud Light.

Conservative author and talk radio show host Mark Levin, who also has a weekly show on FOX, has many best-selling books to his name. He has a new book coming out. Levin pinned a tweet letting his readers know about pre-ordering the book.

See the title? Yeah. That was going too far for Target.

Late Wednesday afternoon, Levin tweeted out that his book publisher was informed by Target that the retail chain will not be selling his book. The title might offend some customers.

The irony is two-fold here. First, note that the reason given was that some customers may be offended by the title. Where is this concern for other products for sale at Target? How about the trans items that were for sale during Pride Month? The company found out the hard way that many Americans didn’t appreciate those items being front and center in their stores. The company’s bottom line suffered due to that decision. Second, note that the product we are talking about is a book. Aren’t leftists accusing Republicans of banning books? Isn’t refusing to sell a book the same as banning it in the stores? Of course it is. I guess when they do it, it’s ok.

Did Levin expect such a dramatic reaction over the book’s title? Probably. He wanted to grab attention and that’s what he did. What Target and others are likely worried about, though, is the fact that they know Levin will make his case in the book to justify the title. He’s well educated on the Constitution and all things political. He’s a lawyer and knows how to debate. Leftists are afraid of people who do not think as they do and can clearly articulate their opinions.

Levin asked his supporters to go to Amazon and pre-order the book, which I’m sure will happen. His book sales will only increase, thanks to Target’s decision. Well done, Target.

On his show Wednesday night, Levin said, “We need to send messages that we are not going to buckle to this stuff just because the corporations have thrown in with the Democratic Party.”

He added that “Target is free to throw in with whomever they want. So are we; that’s the point,” and continued, “Maybe somebody will write a book called ‘America Loves the Democrat Party’ … be about seven pages long.”

He’s right. Target is a private company, not a government agency with rules on what is and isn’t acceptable. Target makes its own rules. Customers do the same. If a store is not responding to its customers, the customers leave and shop somewhere else. There are an abundance of retail options in this country. Target’s past decisions proved that it is a business more concerned with social experiments and playing social justice warrior than it is in selling to all consumers across the board. The trans issue last month was the latest episode in their story with consumer relations.

Target chose leftists over conservative customers in this case. Many conservatives are boycotting Target now anyway so this won’t affect them. It’s censorship at the hands of a corporation, though, there is no denying that. Next time leftists begin complaining about book banning, remember it only goes one way with them. Free speech is a one-way street in their world.

Read the full article here
