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Liberals Hate Getting Hoist by Their Own Petard
Liberals are suddenly discovering a love for free speech, hate for cancel culture, and disgust with loud protests.
It is a wonder to behold and gives me a warm feeling of Schadenfreude.
By now you have seen the revolt against “cancel culture,” which liberals until yesterday called free speech with consequences, due to the fact that employers are horrified to discover that potential employees also happen to love genocide. Liberals firmly believed that “silence is violence” and that refusing to use made-up pronouns was unacceptable hate speech and the equivalent of genocide; now, though, actual genocide is an admirable resistance to “settler colonialism” and its advocates should be admired.
Whatever. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Los Angeles County Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath has similarly discovered a newfound disgust with protests, after celebrating them not so long ago.
During the George Floyd riots, Horvath was all-in on loud protests that weren’t, as she described it, “polite.” Now she is pretty sure that loud and impolite protests are disgusting.
Protestors claimed they want to keep children safe while they pounded on doors, shouted obscenities & slurs toward my staff and library staff, and used strollers to blockade moving vehicles.
The hypocrisy is astounding.
— Lindsey P. Horvath (@LindseyPHorvath) October 26, 2023
Yes, the hypocrisy is astounding. I seem to recall that the George Floyd protests in Los Angeles and elsewhere were also pretty loud and impolite. Horvath was just fine with that, as long as they were “nonviolent.”
Yeah, well, I saw the video of the protest against the Drag Queen Storytime and it was nonviolent. Loud and impolite, but nonviolent.
Parents surrounded the front of the San Fernando Library in protest preventing Pickle the drag queen from coming inside to perform for children. The drag queen story event was organized by county supervisor Lindsey Horvath.
— Kory Yeshua (@KoryYeshua) October 26, 2023
Pretty sure I see no violence during the protest, although “Pickle” the drag queen was unhappy that he was prevented from entertaining the kids with his pickle, but then again parents had plenty to be angry at, as Horvath would say.,
Libraries will not be breeding grounds for indoctrination of hate and contempt toward our fellow neighbor.
— Lindsey P. Horvath (@LindseyPHorvath) October 26, 2023
As for “efforts to incite violence,” I don’t see it. There was plenty of actual violence at the protests Horvath celebrated, but Pickle didn’t exactly look terrified, and there wasn’t a pitchfork to be seen in the crowd.
As for libraries being “breeding grounds for indoctrination of hate,” I bet we could find a book or two about “decolonization” in there. As we have seen over the past few weeks, “decolonization” is nothing more than indoctrination of hate and genocide.
The protestors’ message and actions today will not win in our continued fight for LGBTQ+ rights and equality.
We will continue to build communities where every person is treated with dignity and respect – and diversity is celebrated, not attacked or shamed.
— Lindsey P. Horvath (@LindseyPHorvath) October 26, 2023
Horvath’s whole thread is filled with doublespeak, and why not? Words are weapons in the critical theory mindset, not signifiers of meaning. Just as Leftists are just fine with hate, as long as it is directed at the “right” people.
Horvath has a rather twisted sense of acceptable protest. While she has expressed support for Israel after the attacks on 10/7, she hasn’t said a word on Twitter about this at UCLA.
NOW: At UCLA, where Students for Justice in Palestine have organized a march through the campus. There’s hundreds of people here.
Also spoke to Dr. Cornel West, who called the march “people fighting for justice -A beautiful thing.”
— Jon peltz (@JonnyPeltz) October 25, 2023
Pickle the Drag Queen gets more attention than pro-genocide protests in her city.
Hypocrisy indeed.
Read the full article here