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Kamala to the Rescue!



Democrats have been wetting their beds, worried that Joe Biden is likely to lose the November election. They have stepped up their criticisms of his campaign, sometimes because they really believe the campaign is not doing a good job of selling Joe’s extraordinary achievements, but usually because they can’t criticize the president directly, and the campaign is a good proxy. 

Given that Slow Joe doesn’t look inclined to go anywhere, all eyes are turned to Kamala. If Joe bows out, she is the next in line to be the nominee, and if Joe gets reelected and doesn’t make it through 2 terms, Kamala will become president.

Kamala, though, makes Joe look like a popular genius. Nobody likes her, yet nobody expects Joe to dump her. So Democrats and their MSM allies have to sell her to the public.

There are so many reboots of Kamala that we are, I think, at the “Vista” version, or perhaps Windows 8 version. Nobody likes it, but are doomed to be stuck with it. 

Over at PJ Media Robert Spencer took note of a column at CNN that tries to sell us on the notion that Kamala may actually be the savior of the Biden campaign, or at the very least that some Democrats think she may. His read is that this is yet another sign that Democrats may be getting ready to dump Biden–a distinct possibility, but one I suspect is too hard to pull off. 

Me? I think this is just another version of Kamala trying to reset her image. She was to be the anointed one in 2020, and couldn’t even get a single vote in the primaries because she had to drop out, she was so incompetent. 

More than two dozen sources tell CNN that Harris has been gathering information to help her penetrate what she sometimes refers to as the “bubble” of Biden campaign thinking, telling people she’s aiming to use that intelligence to push for changes in strategy and tactics that she hopes will put the ticket in better shape to win.

Multiple leading Democrats, anxious about a campaign they fear might be stumbling past a point of no return, say their conversations with Harris have been a surprising and welcome change, after months of feeling sloughed off by the White House and Biden campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware. 

“The ‘bedwetting’ complaints are running thin with people,” said a person who attended one of the meetings, describing the general state of anxiety circulating in top Democratic circles. “The West Wing and the campaign need to be better.”

That, to my ears, doesn’t sound like serious Democrat insiders actually hoping that Kamala Harris can swoop in and save a desperate campaign. She is a proven loser who managed to fail upwards in California and became VP because of identity politics. 

Literally, NOBODY believes she wasn’t a diversity hire. Joe Biden actually admitted as much himself, for God’s sake. 

Suppose there genuinely are Democrat operatives hanging their political hat on the hope that Kamala can swoop in and save Joe Biden’s failing campaign. In that case, they clearly are ready to join Joe Biden in that memory unit room that is waiting for him once he leaves the White House. 

On the record, Democrats will make half-hearted defenses of Kamala as ready to step in at a moment’s notice; off the record, as these conversations were–only Kamala’s staff and sycophants can possibly believe she has the political skills to win dog catcher in a swing state. 

The website 538 has a handy graph of Kamala Harris’ approval rating, and it gives the lie to the idea that Harris has the winning formula to save Biden’s flailing campaign:

36% is basically the Democrat base vote, and we already know that many of the people who “approve” of her would prefer somebody else on the ballot. 

She is a principal who takes an operative’s level of interest in the details,” said one Democrat close to the campaign.

This is a more assertive role for a running mate than has traditionally been the case, and one that risks banging into an often insular and guarded Biden inner circle, which likes to point out that the 2020 and 2022 elections went better for him than almost any outsider would have predicted. On top of that, some around Biden still nurse their own grudges against Harris for the way she came after him in the Democratic primaries years ago, or for the number of problems she caused for the administration with her fumbles over her first few years on the job.

So far, Harris’s input has been facilitated by Julie Chavez Rodriguez, the Biden campaign manager who originally entered the the president’s orbit as an aide to Harris and who listens to the vice president in a way that is rarely the case between a campaign manager and running mate. Sergio Gonzales, another Harris aide who joined the campaign as a counselor specifically for her, has an office directly across from Rodriguez, and both were at the Naval Observatory strategy meeting and have been seen as looking out for Harris throughout.

But major changes loom for the Biden campaign, including Jen O’Malley Dillon, the 2020 campaign manager, transitioning from a White House job to helping shake up the reelection campaign structure. Several Harris confidants have in the past told CNN they have been wary of O’Malley Dillon’s approach to the vice president.

To me, this article reads like a Kamala Harris Hail Mary trying to stay relevant in a campaign where chances are good that her friends are about to get booted. 

There are a score of different theories about how Biden might promote Harris out of her current job–the Supreme Court, perhaps? That, my friends, will NEVER happen with more than 40 Republicans in the Senate. An outside job with a 7 or 8-figure salary? Perhaps, but how much more corruption can the Biden campaign survive?

If Biden did replace her, it would have to be with another diversity hire for obvious reasons. 

Karine Jean-Pierre, anyone? Black, female, lesbian…not a natural-born citizen, so technically ineligible, but Democrats now seem to think everybody in the world belongs in power here. They could DARE the Supreme Court to deny her the chance. 

Seriously, though, the choices are few. Rachel Levine might fit the bill. Transgender people are currently highest on the list when it comes to intersectional victimhood, and he is currently an Admiral. Admirals are leaders, right? 

Dylan Mulvaney is only 27, so his name is off the table. Mulvaney at least knows how to sell himself, unlike Kamala…

After poking around, I have the perfect candidate for Joe Biden’s next VP: 

Black. Female. Mayor of a small town. Corrupt as hell. 


Alas for Joe, the odds are not great that he can dump Kamala and come out the other side stronger. Kamala may be worried about being pushed out, but managing a switcheroo probably requires too much political tap-dancing for our wobbly president to manage. 

Read the full article here
