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Just when you thought Biden couldn’t get more pathetic…



I guess Biden wants to make sure that when he is making campaign strategy he is close to his bed.

Is there any other explanation for his having chosen his residence in Delaware as the headquarters for his campaign for reelection? I mean, really? Joe provides one, if only in written form since he probably can’t get through the few words he was meant to say.

“My family’s values, my eternal optimism and my unwavering belief in the American middle class as our nation’s backbone comes from my home — from Delaware,” Biden said in a statement. “That’s why there is no better place for our reelection campaign to have its headquarters.”

It is true that prior presidents have run with what is called a “front porch strategy,” in which the candidate allows his opponent to flail uselessly by running around the country while he stays home and drinks bourbon and smokes a pipe. James Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, and  William McKinley all did so in 1880, 1888, and 1896. So it can be called a proven winner, although I am pretty sure that a campaign strategy that was last used 120 years ago is less likely to succeed today. Then again, Biden had a basement strategy in 2020, and he won that time, so perhaps I am wrong.

But at least in 2020, Biden didn’t actually plan to sleep through his campaign, and having your headquarters equipped with a bed might not be the best signal of being hale and hearty.

But does any of this matter? By now, despite all the cover the MSM provides Biden with stories about how healthy and alert he is, the simple fact is that he can barely walk and barely talk coherently. The White House keeps him away from reporters, and they are just fine with that. They already have their marching orders, knowing exactly what to say and in what adoring tones they must repeat it.

The real question for Americans is: why on Earth are you tolerating this? At least royals had regents when not capable of carrying out their duties; Joe Biden still can order our military around. Ed wrote about this yesterday as did I: Biden is not all there, and it can’t be hidden anymore. When two certified geniuses like us write about it on the same day without consulting each other, you know we are right.

The idea that Joe Biden can run a presidential campaign out of his home is ludicrous, and likely a sign that he is just not up to the challenge of even a modest schedule of travel. Expect a campaign that argues the slow Joe is just too busy saving the country to actually campaign, with videotaped messages and “statements” from the campaign, and very little actual…anything…from the president.

The country faced this situation in the 20th century, with Woodrow Wilson incapacitated. His wife ran the country and people pretended he was in charge. But Wilson never featured reelection.

Joe Biden does. Will America endorse the idea of a scarecrow as president–a man without a brain?

Unfortunately the answer could be yes.

Read the full article here
