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John Kirby Blames Trump for Iran’s Attack on Israel



It’s no surprise that the Biden administration blames former President Trump for Iran’s attack on Israel over the weekend. Biden and his minions blame Trump for everything. 

That’s not hyperbole, that’s their record. Look at any issue that reflects poorly on the Biden administration – there are many – and the first response is to point fingers at Trump. Though Biden said at the beginning of his term in the White House that the buck stops at his desk, he is a proven liar. That remark was a lie, too. Joe Biden does not take the blame for anything. He sends his team out to make excuses and spin the story.

The same happened on Sunday. White House National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby was dispatched to the Sunday morning political shows to point the finger at Trump as the person responsible for Iran’s attack on Israel. 

Speaking on “Fox News Sunday” with Shannon Bream, White House National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby rejected criticism that the administration has not been tough enough on Tehran, noting the sanctions and other measures used against Tehran: “It’s hard to take a look at what President Biden has done and say that we’ve somehow gone soft on Iran.”

He continued, “It was the previous administration that decided to get us out of the Iran deal. And now Iran is so much dramatically closer to potential nuclear weapon capability than they were before … Mr. Trump was elected.”

Quizzed on the financial relief given to Iran and how the regime used it, he said, “It’s not even sanctions relief but the additional funds that have been made available to Iran due to [the] sanctions relief program that the Trump administration put in place can only be used for humanitarian goods. It doesn’t go to the regime.” 

I give credit to Kirby for doing interviews on Fox News Channel. He is one of only a handful of Biden administration officials who go on Fox. But his spin during that interview was just insulting to viewers. Trump was the one who was tough on Iran, including taking the U.S. out of the deal that Obama and John Kerry were working on with Iran. John Kerry was obsessed with reaching a deal on nuclear weapons with Iran. It was never going to happen where it benefits American goals. Kerry didn’t care, he just wanted to be able to declare that he pushed a deal through. He is all ego and little brain. So, when Trump came into office, he did away with the Iran deal, as Kirby called it. Remember, the Obama administration delivered pallets of cash to Iran as they left office. That told us everything we needed to know.

Biden came into office and John Kerry’s old Iran deal was being negotiated again. Joe Biden is afraid of Iran and its leaders know it. Biden refuses to clamp down on Iran as Trump did. Iran acts with impunity. How is that “Don’t” strategy working out? 

For the first time, Iran executed direct missile and drone strikes into Israeli territory. Biden is cowed by the ayatollahs. Biden’s approach is to refuse to help Israel in counterstrikes now  He is encouraging Israel to de-escalate its efforts in the war against Hamas. Experts say this is a disaster in the making. 

“This was a massive, unprecedented, and unacceptable strategic attack on Israel,” Richard Goldberg, who was a member of former President Trump’s National Security Council, told Fox News Digital. “It would be a huge mistake to pull Israel back from a military retaliation, but it’s downright insanity to keep $10 billion accessible to Tehran in the aftermath. The president needs to lock down all the money he made available to Tehran these past months.”

 The Biden administration is funding Iran’s terrorism against Israel to the tune of billions of dollars. The Trump administration left Iran in financial distress. Biden rescued Iran by providing billions of dollars to be made available, no matter how people like Kirby try to spin that move as no big deal. 

Lisa Daftari, a leading Iranian-American expert on the Islamic Republic and editor-in-chief of the Foreign Desk, told Fox News Digital that “The Biden administration’s posture in the first hours of coming into the White House was that they were going to go soft on the regime. Their policies reflected this. Their rhetoric reflected this. They sent a clear message to the mullahs that there would be no consequences for their rogue actions. What we are seeing is a manifestation of weak policies and the ayatollah’s correct read on American foreign policy.”

Elections have consequences. Iran is funding Hamas as its proxy. The money to do that comes from the Biden administration. It has been reported that the attack launched by Hamas on Israel on October 7, 2023 was planned for two years. That tracks with Biden’s time in office. Joe Biden and his fellow travelers in the administration must be removed with the November election. They are dangerously naive and unable to lead the free world. 

Read the full article here
