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Joe Biden’s Support of Israel Now Back to Ironclad Status?



This is certainly not going to make the anti-Semitic party crashers in the backyard of Berkeley Dean Erwin Chemerinsky happy. 

If Joe Biden ever had a plan for Israel and the greater Middle East, or how to navigate the issue with a growing number of Jew haters constituting around a third of his Democratic Party base, it’s out the window now, and we’ve officially entered the “Winging it” phase. 

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It was just a week ago that Joe Biden talked to Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and gave him an ultimatum – stop this war or else I’m going to get killed in Michigan. Okay, he didn’t put it exactly that way, but that was the message he was sending. He said if Israel goes into Rafah, and doesn’t take their boot off the neck of Hamas terrorists up and down the Gaza strip, there were going to be some changes made.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, from NATO in Brussels, said changes have to be made, or else. 

That same day, White House co-Press Secretary, John Kirby (the smart press secretary, not the dumb one), reiterated the President’s sentiment. 

If this isn’t bad enough, Blinken in his same NATO remarks slimed Israel further. 

Not just warning Israel, but chastising them internationally for prosecuting a war against modern day Nazis that took depravity to a whole new art form on October 7th, and are still holding hostages, including Americans, hiding behind human shields, all of which are war crimes. Yet the American Secretary of State is comparing Israel to the terrorists. 

Comments like this do not resonate in a vacuum. Democrats in both the House and Senate have increasingly felt either emboldened to hate Israel more freely, or in some cases, polling scares them into feeling they have to turn against Israel in order to maintain their own political viability. The latter is cowardly, just as was Joe Biden by not announcing his ultimatum to Netanyahu directly, and instead hiding behind Blinken and Kirby. The former is anti-Semitic evil. Both are disgusting. 

Nevertheless, as the week unfolded, more and more Democratic voices began to add to the growing call to bail out on Israel. 

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, not even an expert on Native American affairs, let along the intricacies of Israeli politics or the Middle East more broadly, weighed in on what Prime Minister Netanyahu doesn’t understand. 

Of course, what she doesn’t understand is that the entire War Cabinet in Israel understands the moves they are making in prosecuting the war against Hamas is supported by a vast majority of Israelis. Israel is fed up with this threat all around them, and they’re nearly united in taking out these threats once and for all.

Warren wasn’t finished, though. In Wednesday’s Politico, she accused Israel, not Hamas (you know, the ‘From the River to the Sea’ people, the ones who would conduct another attacks to kill Jews because they want the world to be Jew free), of conducting a genocide. 

Sen. Elizabeth Warren believes international officials could find that Israel’s assault on Gaza legally constitutes a genocide, she said during an event at a local mosque last week.

“If you want to do it as an application of law, I believe that they’ll find that it is genocide, and they have ample evidence to do so,” Warren (D-Mass.) said Friday while taking audience questions during an event at the Islamic Center of Boston in Wayland, Massachusetts. A video of Warren’s comments posted on X by a GBH News reporter began circulating Monday. Warren’s office confirmed the senator’s remarks to POLITICO.

Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 vice presidential nominee, accused Israel of being willing to intentionally put U.S. troops in harm’s way. 

Tim Kaine also joined the parade of Democrats calling for the U.S. to withhold weapons sales to Israel until they cave to Hamas. 

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, at one time an avowed supporter of the state of Israel, turned her back on them as well out of perceived political expediency. 

Maryland Senator Chris Van Hollen walked away from Israel.

Vermont’s Bernie Sanders is more concerned with the Palestinians than he is with Israel’s right to defend itself. So naturally, he wants to condition aid and pull back on providing weapons as well.

When John Fetterman is the lone voice of reason in the Democratic Party on the issue of Israel, you know the party has fallen away from any moral clarity it once had.

In an interview with Univision, one that was taped over a week ago and held until it was finally released two days ago, Joe Biden twisted the knife in Israel’s kidneys even further. 

Joe Biden just wants Israel to unilaterally declare a ceasefire. Hamas has been offered a deal seven times. All they have to do is turn over hostages. They’ve turned down seven different ceasefire proposals, because they feel over time, The United States is coming to their anti-Jew position. They also are committed to killing Jews, not negotiating with them. It’s a nonsensical desire Biden has, driven entirely by polling out of Michigan and Pennsylvania, two states he desperately needs in November or else there’s no pathway to 270 Electoral Votes. 

While all that is going on, Israel struck a target in Damascus, killing a senior Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps general, Mohammed Reza Zahedi. Zahedia is believed to have been one of the chief planners of the October 7th attacks. Israeli intel located him, sitting in on a meeting with Hamas and Hezbollah leadership. The strike killed all three terrorists, which is a grand, and efficient, use of weaponry. 

Up to this point, they’ve been relatively shrewd in their war on Israel. They’re willing to fight the Jews to the very last Arab. The attack in Damascus may have changed all that. Yes, Iran is mad. But now, they’re also embarrassed. They apparently want to take the gloves off, or more appropriately, take the proxies off, and engage in the war against Israel more directly. 

Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, a key decision-making body, met late on Monday and decided on a “required” response to the strike, Iran’s state television reported. It said the meeting was chaired by President Ebrahim Raisi but provided no further details.

“We will make them regretful about the crime and similar acts,” said Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has final say on all state matters in Iran.

As of Thursday morning in the U.S., or late Thursday in Tehran, Iran has closed down airspace in their capital to commercial flights, citing increased military operations.  

The buzz all over the internet is that one of Iran’s major air defense sites, Khatam al-Anbia, has put their missile and radar teams on full alert.

So is Iran coming out to play? The U.S. certainly thinks so. The commander of CentCom, General Erik Kurilla, is en route to Israel to help coordinate the crisis everybody believes is coming.

Gen. Erik Kurilla, commander of the U.S. Central Command, is expected to meet Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and senior Israel Defense Forces officials.

Israeli officials say they are preparing for a possible unprecedented direct attack from Iranian soil using ballistic missiles, drones and cruise missiles against Israeli targets.

In such a scenario, Israel will retaliate with a direct attack against Iran, the officials said.

A U.S. defense official said it was Department of Defense policy to “not discuss flag officer travel for operational security.”

Joe Biden on Wednesday at the White House joint press conference with Japan Prime Minister Fumio Kishida indicated that the threat was real and imminent, and in a complete reversal from his stance of the last couple months, announced “ironclad” support.


If Biden is sincere in saying our support for Israel is ironclad if attacked by Iran directly, why hasn’t our support for Israel also been ironclad when Iran has attacked indirectly through Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis? Even within the Biden White House, they all know none of these terror groups operate without the coordination and blessing of Iran. Why should the policy change now if Iran cuts out the middlemen? 

Biden’s policy vis-a-vis Israel, at least until this latest threat, seemed to be they have the right to defend themselves from terror attacks, but they’re not allowed to prosecute the war on offense outside of Israel to root out terrorists, especially when there are innocent civilians all over the place. If Iran does launch a strike, it’s not like they’re sitting there on the border with Israel. They’re a fair piece away, so setting up a military supply chain for a formal operation is impossible. Israel would have to respond, respond by air, and using weaponry not seen used in war in decades. There are rumored weapons in Israel’s arsenal that the world has not ever seen. Israel would be in a position to have to respond with overwhelming force in order to cut the head off the snake and reestablish deterrence, and Biden’s sudden willingness to lend CentCom support and coordination for both defense and a counterstrike flies in the face of Biden’s Israel doctrine of last week. 

Mostly, given Joe Biden’s age, fecklessness, polling data, and lack of a moral compass, when he says our support would be ironclad, who exactly is going to believe him? And for how long is that ironclad support? Does it have a shelf life or use-by date when dead Iranian civilians begin mounting up? Will Ironclad Joe morph into Waffle Iron Joe? How can Israel trust Biden’s word at this point? 

If a direct strike on Israel originates from Iran, it will be the death knell for the Obama-Biden Iran appeasement plan. Any loss of life, or escalation of a hot war in the Middle East, will be directly attributable to Biden’s team, both in the Obama White House and his own, for enabling Iran with cash and legitimacy after Donald Trump had them within $4 billion of being flat busted broke. 

Closing thought: How will the fever swamp on the left react to Ironclad Joe? I’m sure that’s only going to inflame Code Pink, the Squad, and the Dearborn anti-Israel crazies to protest Biden more intensely, feeling like they’re losing momentum. And if Iran does escalate, the chance of the war in the Middle East resolving itself by the Democratic convention in Chicago in August is about zero. Time to start reading up on 1968 again.

Bonus closing thought: Remember Biden’s minor incursion doctrine when applied to Russia going into Ukraine? 

How many drones and how many missiles flying into Tel Aviv from Tehran meet the threshold of minor incursion? What kind of first wave carnage are we talking about that Joe Biden is willing to accept before Operation Ironclad is reluctantly approved?

I’m growing more confident by the day that the election in November is going to be a resounding rebuke to all things Joe Biden. He’s just that bad of a president. The trick is having the world survive until January with the leader of the free world being increasingly old, addled, and incompetent. 

Read the full article here
