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Joe Biden’s Illegal Chickens Crossing The Border To Roost



Nine million alien migrants have entered the United States illegally, at least as far as we can tell, under President Joe Biden’s watch. It could actually be more than that, because the Biden administration is playing a shell game of sorts with Homeland Security. 

The New York Post interviewed Brandon Judd earlier this week, the president of the National Border Patrol Council, the union of Border Patrol agents, and here’s what he said is going on with the counting of illegal border crossings.

“It’s just a bait and switch,” National Border Patrol Council president Brandon Judd said on the phone from Texas. “They’re just paroling people in through airports rather than having them come across the border.” 

“They’re just gonna keep the numbers at around 5,000 [border crossings per day], parole people in and say, ‘Oh, look, we cut our numbers down,’” Judd added, saying even that figure was an “astronomical high” compared with the Donald Trump and Barack Obama administrations.

Regardless of the accounting gimmicks, there are still over 9 million people here that do not have a legal right to be here, that number is growing by thousands every day, and we really do not have a good idea of who these people are, what their background is, or what kind of threat they pose to the population at large. So naturally, Illinois Senator Dick Durbin and 17 of his Democratic colleagues in the United States Senate asked President Biden this week to move faster and more aggressively to use his executive authority and normalize as many of the illegal migrants here as possible. I guess the polling must really be terrible, because the desperation to create a bunch of brand-new voters for Democrats by November seems very apparent. 

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Whatever the upside Democrats think will happen for them electorally as a result of an open border for three-plus years, the downsides are mounting by the day in violent crime against U.S. citizens all over the country. The most notable example is the murder of Georgia college student Laken Riley. The optics of this case were so bad for the White House that regime media had to come crashing in with story after story claiming the stats are in – there is no uptick in violent crime with the inflow of illegal migrants. 

Washington Post “fact-checker” Glenn Kessler wrote “The Truth About Illegal Immigration And Crime”. NPR claimed “Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S.-born Americans, studies find.” The Cato Institute released a report, Illegal Immigrants Have Low Homicide Conviction Rate: Setting the Record Straight on Illegal Immigrant. According to regime media, what happened to Laken Riley is a statistical outlier, a fluke. Going back to the Cato report by Alex Nowrasteh, he says the data is clear. 

The homicide conviction rate for illegal immigrants was 2.4 per 100,000 illegal immigrants in 2015, which is lower than the homicide conviction rate of 2.8 per 100,000 for native‐born Americans. Legal immigrants still have the lowest homicide conviction rate at 1.1 per 100,000 legal immigrants. Those rates are similar across the years for which data are available.

A few thoughts here. First, the stats being discussed here are homicide convictions, not violent crimes. O.J. Simpson killed his wife, Nicole, and Ron Goldman. Simpson was never convicted of the homicides after a national soap opera of a trial in 1994, but he murdered those two people. You know it, I know it, everybody in America knows it. Citing a homicide conviction rate does not tell the entire story. 

Second, homicides aren’t the only violent crimes available on the criminally-minded menu. Carjackings, assault and battery, armed robbery, and a whole host of possible sexual crimes are also committed by people coming across the border illegally and setting up shop in the United States, often times flown to their destination of choice at taxpayer expense, courtesy of Homeland Security Airlines.

Third, in all too many American cities and counties, the damage of George Soros money has taken its toll, with dozens of district attorneys and/or attorneys general making conscious decisions not to prosecute violent crimes anymore, instead whittling down what would be many felonies down to misdemeanors and releasing criminals back on the street. 

You can cite whatever stat you wish, or you can just do quick math and make the intuitive conclusion that somewhere between .1% and 1% of those here illegally are violent felons in waiting, fully capable of committing crime here. It’s just a matter of time. At a bare minimum, between 9,000 and 90,000 crimes committed against U.S. citizens at the hands of an illegal alien are going to happen. Using Nowrasteh’s calculus in Cato, 216 of those now in the States on Biden’s watch will be convicted of homicide. 

In reality, it’s the cascading effect of the individual cases that are going to snowball and hurt the Democrats badly in the fall, I suspect. Just in the last couple weeks, here’s what’s been in the news. 

In Boston, an illegal migrant from Haiti has been charged with raping a 15-year-old girl also housed in a hotel that was converted into a migrant shelter. To Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey, a Democrat, she shrugged it off. 

Yes, stuff happens, I guess. My guess is that anyone in that girl’s family doesn’t accept that stuff happens, and just looks the other way. 

In Michigan, a swing state, I’m told, Ruby Garcia committed the grave offense of driving in public. She was carjacked by an illegal alien, shot dead in the process and left on the side of the road. She was 25. 

In the aftermath of the Laken Riley murder by an illegal alien sitting in a hotel stalking her on her running routine, legislation called the Laken Riley act which would force Homeland Security to detain any person here illegally that commits burglary or theft, essentially creating a wide net that would detain people that would be most likely to commit more violent crimes later. The measure passed in the House with every Republican and 37 Democrats joining in. The Senate was a different story. Chuck Schumer would not allow the measure to come up on its own, because he did not want his most vulnerable members – Jon Tester in Montana, Sherrod Brown in Ohio, and Bob Casey, Jr. in Pennsylvania, to have to cast a vote on that. Enter the $1.2 trillion dollar mini-bus jammed through last week.

As part of the procedure of mini-bus bills, omnibus bills, or any other major spending measure that’s being proposed to beat the clock on a government shutdown, the opportunity is there for amendments. One of the amendments offered as part of the overall package was offered up by Ted Budd of North Carolina and Katie Britt of Alabama. It was the House’s version of the Laken Riley Act, tacked on to the mini-bus as an amendment. It was defeated, literally in the late hours of Friday night/Saturday morning, in a 51-47 vote. Every Republican voted to add it, with Rick Scott and Mike Braun not present to vote, and every Democrat voting against the amendment. Every Democrat voted to prevent justice from being served on people with no Constitutional right to be here in the first place. Every Democrat voted exactly the way that would bring a smile to George Soros’ face. 

Ruby Garcia. Laken Riley. Washington State Trooper Christopher Gadd. 2-year-old Jeremy Poou-Caceres. 10-year-old Alex “AJ” Wise, Jr. Dozens of rapes. Sexual trafficking of hundreds of minors. The numbers are heartbreaking, infuriating, and depressing. FAIR (The Federation for American Immigration Reform) has collected the stories, and names when they’re not minors, of all of Joe Biden’s victims. Of Every victim has a story that was cut short. Every victim has a family, friends that care greatly that their life was needlessly cut short or violently effected unnecessarily. 

Every single instance of violent crime by an illegal, despite the statistical normalcy regime media will have you accept, is directly attributable to Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. They own every death, every rape, every assault. 

Don’t underestimate the ripple effect of the survivors of the victims of violent crimes by people here illegally. They are grieving, and they are angry. And they will vote. In some cases, they will vote in a very different way than they have before. 

Read the full article here
