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Hunter’s firm exchanged many emails with VP Joe’s office



He never spoke to his son, Hunter, his brother Jim, “or anyone, for that matter” about their foreign business dealings. That’s what Joe Biden told us more times than I can count, both on the campaign trail and as President. We now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that those were all outrageous, blatant lies. But the latest batch of emails to come to light show that the lie was even bigger than we had imagined. There are more than 1,000 emails that were exchanged between Joe Biden’s vice presidential office and the office of Rosemont Seneca Partners investment firm. That was Hunter’s office that was responsible for arranging “deals” that resulted in millions of dollars flowing into the coffers of the Biden family from foreign actors. And at least 200 of the emails were locked away from public disclosure before we could see them, with the elder Biden citing executive privilege. (NY Post)

Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca Partners investment firm traded more than 1,000 emails with Joe Biden’s office during his time as vice president — and hundreds remain hidden because of executive privilege asserted by the White House, documents released by the National Archives show.

The 861 emails that reference Rosemont Seneca were sent or received by the Office of the Vice President between January 2011 and December 2013, according to America First Legal, which obtained the messages from the National Archives and Records Administration and released them on Wednesday.

The White House refused to allow the release of 200 emails referencing Hunter Biden’s firm, citing executive privilege.

So what was the justification for invoking executive privilege? NARA stated that releasing the remaining emails would expose “confidential advice between the President and his advisors.” This is a bizarre response for a couple of reasons. First of all, the emails in question all originated between 2011 and 2013. Joe Biden wasn’t the President then. He was the Vice President.

And since when would either Hunter (who never held any official government position) or his partners at Rosemont Seneca qualify as “advisors” to the executive branch? And even if they were, what would that crew be advising the Veep on? Investment advice? Perhaps where he might want to invest the millions of dollars Joe was raking in from Burisma and the CCP?

Looking at the dates on these documents, another question comes to mind. These emails have all been sitting in the archives for more than a decade. How is it that nobody bothered to look until now? In some ways, I suppose it makes sense. I mean, why would you bother poring through the dusty communications of a former vice president and reading all of his mundane bureaucratic correspondence? Nobody had really even suggested that someone in Biden’s position would have had the gall to engage in such an outrageous scheme and do so using his official communications channels. And yet here we are.

The entire circus surrounding Biden Inc. smells worse and worse with every rock that gets kicked over. Sadly, this is yet another story that you will likely never see on CNN or gracing the pages of the Gray Lady or the WaPo. But the evidence continues to drip out and it just seems as if the dam is going to have to break sooner or later. Joe Biden somehow amassed tens of millions of dollars and at least two seaside mansions while allegedly living on a public servant’s salary and being married to a community college professor.

How did that happen? The answer is becoming increasingly clear. And now his mental faculties have decayed to the point where he’s generally unable to exit a stage without someone holding his arm. And his son, who has obviously been guilty of enough crimes to fill a rap sheet as long as his arm, is still jetting around the globe with dad and living in mansions. (He just moved into yet another Malibu mansion with “breathtaking ocean views” only weeks after telling a family court judge that he couldn’t afford to cough up his child support payments.) All of the working stiffs around the country must be watching all of this play out and wondering why they even bother going to their jobs every day.

Read the full article here
