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How Tennessee Celebrates ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’



Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of the mass shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee by transgender killer Audrey Hale. As one might expect, there are some memorials planned, including one in Tennessee on Easter Sunday. But it won’t be a solemn event paying tribute to the slain Christian children from the school. The event doesn’t even have anything to do with Easter. Instead, the Graveyard Gallery in Murfreesboro, Tennessee will be hosting a rock concert celebrating “Trans Day of Vengeance.” March 31st was supposed to be the “Trans Day of Visibility,” but apparently most of the activists in the community thought that “vengeance” was a better theme. Doing such a thing on Easter leads me to wonder if these people simply lack any sense of irony or if they’re doing it to be deliberately provocative. (Daily Wire)

A Tennessee music venue is hosting a “Trans Day of Vengeance” concert just days after the one-year anniversary of the deadly shooting at The Covenant School, in which a transgender-identifying woman killed three children and three adults, apparently out of ideological fury.

A flyer promoted by several bands says that the Graveyard Gallery in Murfreesboro is hosting the concert on March 31, and using it to raise money for a group that provides gender reassignment surgery. The shooting occurred on March 27, 2023, at the Christian school in Nashville, less than an hour away.

The party comes with Nashville schools in high alert because of the potential for violence on the anniversary of the shooting.

The concert is also a fundraiser, with the proceeds reportedly going toward purchasing chest binders for women who want to look like men and financial support for trans surgery and other treatments. How thoughtful of them. But when someone is supposedly seeking “vengeance,” it’s typically in response to some perceived wrong done against them. What was the supposed crime leading to this call for vengeance? As the Daily Wire points out, there have unfortunately been a smattering of attacks on trans people that may or may not have qualified as hate crimes. But federal crime statistics show that the chances of a trans person being the victim of a hate crime are less than half of those for Black or Jewish Americans. 

Meanwhile, what was Audrey Hale’s motivation? Was it just violent hatred of Christians? Or of children? We don’t know because we still haven’t seen the shooter’s manifesto, though a judge recently ordered the FBI to release the documents to the media as part of a FOIA request. While tragic, we probably shouldn’t be all that surprised to learn that someone who was obviously suffering from extreme gender confusion probably had some other mental disorders bubbling away below the surface. It would help if we could learn what sort of medications she was taking, if any. Perhaps that mystery will finally be solved.

The entire idea of this concert taking place not only on Easter but so close to the anniversary of the massacre is offensive beyond words. But what has long since become clear is the reality that the trans community contains a measurable amount of people with violent tendencies and unstable behavior patterns. Now, rather than celebrating Easter with family members and friends, we will need law enforcement to be on high alert for the entire weekend, watching out for the next act of “vengeance.” 

The public needs to stand up against such hateful violence. And we also need to push back against the demands of these activists. As long as they’re not involving children, they can do what they like to their own bodies and dress however they wish. But you are not “misgendering” someone by referring to them by their biological sex. That’s just science. It’s a basic part of reality and humanity. People are free to refer to me as a man, a woman, or a pigeon for all I care. I’m not going to go out and shoot up a church in response. When you identify monsters among your ranks, you need to deal with those monsters in an appropriate fashion. And we’ve definitely found more than a few here.

Read the full article here
