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How many children are going to die of malnutrition so we can validate trans #feelz



Okay. I’ve about had it with this nonsense.

Trans women are NOT women – not even remotely.

They are men.

I do not care how many hormones they pump into their sad, befuddled little bodies, how much silicone they plump their chests up with – or lips. How many pretty dresses they buy – or steal, and however long they grow their hair.

I don’t care what they cut off pursuing something they never had to begin with and were never meant to.

They are MEN to the day they die.

And some of them are just sick puppies who shouldn’t be within ten miles of a child, less mind an infant.

This revolting creature is the poster child for “chestfeeding.” Amazing how they get unmasked in the age of narcissists who can’t stay away from a camera and social media, huh?

Oh, if only he were the lone stranger. But he’s not. The freak show is unending.

But it brings up a much bigger problem – that the Medical Establishment™ is condoning and encouraging this outright insanity and, more importantly, child abuse.

Someone actually looked up what the drug cocktail is that helps these lady LARPers “chestfeed” an infant (and may the good Lord protect every child subjected to this insanity).

She goes on to point out that some of these drugs cause cardiac arrests, some are carcinogenic, some cause permanent muscle spasms – all of which are secreted while these men play at breast feeding an infant who needs nutrition, not poisonous psychotropic drugs.

This paper in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism shows you just how off the deep end The Experts™ have gone. They followed one trans woman for 9 months who was in their clinic to help with “milk production.”

You can practically hear the SQUEEEE of delight in this section:

This article summarizes a case of successful lactation in a trans woman, in which milk production was achieved in just over 1 month.

Yeah, Check out the healthy cocktail that baby was getting.

Readily available lactation induction protocols for nonpuerpural mothers were reviewed and used to guide hormone therapy selection. Daily dose of progesterone was increased from 100 mg to 200 mg daily. The galactogogue domperidone was started at 10 mg 3 times daily and titrated up to effect. She was encouraged to use an electric pump and to increase her frequency of pumping.

Sounds yummy, huh? Just like Mom’s.

Well…okay. NOT EXACTLY.

Mom’s kids didn’t starve to death.

…At our 1-month follow-up, she had noticed a significant increase in her breast size and fullness. Her milk supply had increased rapidly, and she was producing up to 3 to 5 ounces of milk per day with manual expression alone, which she used for supplementation. She was using manual expression alone due to nipple irritation from use of the electric pump. After 8 weeks, her milk supply was decreasing, so the domperidone was increased to 30 mg 3 times daily. This was effective at increasing milk supply back to 3 to 5 ounces per day. Although this was not enough to meet the nutritional needs of her child, she felt encouraged that she was potentially contributing to the immunological health of her child.

She was followed up in the clinic after 6 months, at which time her milk supply had decreased to approximately 1 teaspoon in total per day; however, she continued to comfort her son with suckling 2 to 3 times per day and would use hand expression 3 times daily and once overnight. Her blood work at this time showed that her prolactin had increased from 16 mcg/L to 172 mcg/L. Her progesterone and estrogen levels remained steady at 9.6 nmol/L and 605pmol/L respectively and her follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone remained undetectable. Her domperidone was increased from 10 mg to 20 mg, 3 times daily.

So this guy NEVER produced enough chemical laden “milk” to adequately nourish his child and, even when he was down to just producing a teaspoon a day, he continued to “suckle” the baby for comfort?!


And by the way…we’re not quite sure WHAT those hormones and things will do to the “sexual differentiation of a newborn,” so y’all be careful out there.

Screencap JCEM Vol 106 Is 5

The researchers believed someone – not them – should get around to seeing what all is expressed in trans “breast milk,” just in case it, like, might not be so good with all those chemicals, but what’s most important is the validation the MALE feels getting to LARP as a wet nurse.

Efforts should also be made analyze the protein, nutritional, and immunological components of the breast milk produced by transgender women, which we have not done in this case report. A pilot study was published looking at the protein composition of induced nonpuerperal human milk in 2 nonpuerperal women compared with mature milk at 11 months postpartum. This study showed similar levels of total protein, secretory IgA, lactoferrin, and lysozymes in a very small sample size (29). Similar research should be completed to assess the relative composition of expressed milk from trans women. It would also be valuable to measure the relative levels of hormones in the breast milk, as this may impact the growth and development of the infant. In summary, lactation induction is likely beneficial for gender identity, irrespective of milk production outcomes. There is enormous potential for ongoing research in this area.

It’s just a baby. No worries. Having that guy feel good about himself is the thing.

Trans warm fuzzies are more important than whether an infant has proper and SAFE nutrition.

That’s how whack this whole thing has gotten.

I was never on board before, but I tell you what – they are actively courting some really harsh language.


Read the full article here
