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Hochul: we protect the doctors, not the women



New York passed a law protecting doctors who prescribe abortion pills to women out of state whom they have never met.

The idea, of course, is to spread the “benefits” of Leftist ideology to people who are “stuck” in other states. It is the same idea as “sanctuary states” which protect non-custodial parents who kidnap their children for the purpose of transing them. At base, this is about Leftist states getting around the Constitution’s “full faith and credit” clause of the Constitution, erasing local limits on the power of Leftist government in one state to impose their values on others.

What is striking about the New York law is not its existence–Leftists, after all, have been trying to nationalize and impose their values on everybody they can–but rather Governor Hochul’s flippant attitude in explaining the New York policy on Morning Joe:

This attitude that doctors are doing good by pushing forward an ideological agenda regardless of the actual effects their actions have on patients would seem remarkable, except of course it absolutely is not. As much as you hear from Leftists that they are concerned with individual freedoms, this is just a smokescreen for a deeper ideological commitment.

This is why you see in every Leftist “utopia” the large-scale suppression of anybody who deviates from the ideological line. This is presented as protecting the freedom and the rights of people, but only in the sense that the definition of the individual is a compliant cog in the machine.

Some freedoms, in fact, are encouraged. In the West, the most important one is the complete freedom to put one’s genitals into whatever orifice one wants in public, but freedom of thought is strictly verboten.

The right to abortion is simply an extension of that free orifice expression–sex without consequences–and it must be promoted at all costs, including the health and life of the person seeking an abortion.

Hochul’s flippancy–“We’re not responsible for the health of women outside New York”–is striking for its honesty, not the sentiment. Protecting doctors, not patients, is the only thing New York is responsible for.

The side effects of abortion pills can be quite serious, including the danger of death. Abortion pills are only supposed to be used during the early stages of pregnancy, and there are cases where women decide to get a late-term abortion order the pills, and use them far too late in the pregnancy for it to be remotely safe for the mother, even ignoring the moral implications of facilitating a late-term abortion.

A case of a woman using the abortion pill by lying and aborting her baby at 8 months was just revealed earlier this month. This happened in Great Britain, and she is going to jail. It is impossible to use this method successfully, whatever that means, without the aid of doctors because it requires what amounts to a birth after the death of the baby. She didn’t know that.

Hochul, though, simply says: “We could protect the doctors in New York. When the patients go home, that’s a different issue.”

Abortion Uber Alles. The only thing that matters is a dead baby. Not even a live mother compares in value.

Read the full article here
