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Happy Intl Women’s Day!



We’ve made such gains, haven’t we?

Not her. The other guy.


We’ve come so far in the past decades that we don’t even need to be women at all…to be “women.” Isn’t that the wicked, coolest thing? Mind you it’s not a localized movement confined to isolated, woke urban areas in G-7 countries.

Perish the thought. 

World bodies recognize everyone can be a princess for a day – or the rest of their lives. They have only to say, “I am a woman, hear me roar“and the womanly accolades and awards will swiftly follow.

‘Why can’t a woman be more like a man?’, sang Henry Higgins in the 1964 film, My Fair Lady. If there were to be a remake in 2024, the film might be called My Fair Ladyboy. It would update the story of a professor of phonetics, who turns a cockney girl into the toast of high society, into the tale of a professor of hormonology, who turns a mockney boy into the toast of café society. For today, a sizable minority of trendsetters and lawmakers think men can be just as good – if not better – at being women.

A man in a frock has even been appointed by UN Women to represent British women on the global stage. ‘Katie’ Neeves was on X last week smarming that: ‘I’m happy to announce that I’ve been accepted as a UN Women UK delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, which is the principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women.’

…We’ve been here before, of course. The ‘model’ Munroe Bergdorf – born Ian Beaumont to middle-class parents in the picturesque village of Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex – was appointed the first ‘UK champion’ for UN Women towards the end of last year. This understandably caused a right kerfuffle, not least because Bergdorf has shown contempt for the historical struggles for women’s rights. Infamously, he once branded the Suffragettes ‘white supremacists’ – this from an airhead who probably thinks that ‘force-feeding’ means being slipped a few hidden carbs before Marbs by an envious frenemy.

Yet still the UN jobs for the brass-necked boys in brassieres keep on coming. Women’s organisations will keep complaining, but it won’t make any difference. The whole point of giving women’s jobs to men in drag is to mock actual women – to diss the girls and make them cry, or at least howl with indignation, as 17 women’s rights organisations did over Bergdorf’s appointment.

Biology, schmology. Whack your naughty bits or keep them – it’s entirely up to the woman one wants to be. And you are no less the woman you feel you are.

…A tiny minority of overpromoted crossdressers may have genuine body dysmorphia and ‘feel’ that they are female, but most anorexics think they are fat, and we don’t similarly ‘affirm’ their feelings. In any case, fewer than 10 per cent of ‘transwomen’ will seek to separate from their penis. This suggests a somewhat comfortable attitude to the most male body part imaginable, surely calling into question the validity of their claim to ‘feel’ female in the first place.

How DARE anyone question these fragile flowers’ innermost desires and sensitivities!!

Or their motivation, but I digress. We are celebrating here.

In these supposedly civilized Western countries, where the concept of womanhood and all it pertained to was once revered, #Woman has become such a generic, fluid term that it can be applied to anything choosing to describe itself as such at any given time—so much so that the powers that be have decided it’s no longer needed.

Happy LAST International Women’s Day in Ireland should this measure pass. The Irish will be dropping all vestiges of womanhood’s former glories from theirconstitution.

Faux-women fascist supporters in England are planning on making “misgendering” a man in a dress and make-up an “aggravated offense” hate crime the second they take over at 10 Downing Street.

Yay, women! Oh, happy day!

These lunatics are leading in British polls. I hope JK Rowling and her girlfriends wearing suffragette scarves (I have one, too) bought tickets to the States just in case because they will be the first ones Labour comes gunning for.

Even Lefties and Progs are pulling out all the stops – and dead, homicidal maniacs – to celebrate International Women’s Day. This one warmed my heart like a pile of burning scholarly bodies at the foot of the Great Wall.

Works. I meant burning scholarly works.

Yay, Iraian #Wymmins! (Don’t forget to cover up, or you won’t be allowed in the state video celebrating our repression!)

Terrorist regimes have a thing for women, don’t they?

Breaks your heart. Those are the “hate crimes” the world should be incensed about, not calling Fred Smith in drag “mister.”

Women’s struggle is real, and the retroactive progress in reversing insanity is slow but tangible.

We women and the men who love us and support us have to keep fiercely, ferociously fighting the good fight. Every other battle will fall by the wayside otherwise.

And we will lose our very essence.

Real women are the only women – everything else is a pale imitation and a usurper.

Here’s to that happy WOMEN’S day when these illegitimate fantasies are no longer indulged anywhere.

Read the full article here
