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Happy 4th of July: Target funds group supporting BDS, defunding US police and military



Independence Day may get a wee bit awkward for one of America’s biggest retailers. Their customer base will come to their stores looking for ways to celebrate liberty, freedom, and good old-fashioned patriotism. Their dollars will go in some small portion to at least one group that appears to hate the US, its military, and its supposed ‘white supremacy.’

According to Fox News Digital, Target’s non-profit foundation offers financial support to the NDN Collective. This radical group operates as an “intersectional” non-profit in South Dakota that “operates with a ‘racial equity lens’,” whose first goal is to take back Mount Rushmore for Native Americans — but it’s hardly their only goal:

Target’s “accelerated” its DEI program in response to Black Lives Matter activism under the leadership of its diversity chief – Kiera Fernandez. The chief has demanded that “White women” get to work to combat the proclaimed systemic racism in America.

Fox News Digital found that Target, via its nonprofit foundation, which has been directed by the retail giant’s senior corporate treasurers, funded a grantee pushing to shut down and give away U.S. sovereign land such as Mount Rushmore – believing it to be an “international symbol of White supremacy” and to demilitarize the “violent” U.S. military. The same grantee also supports the destruction of Israel’s Jewish character through what is called the Palestinian “Law of Return” and implementing economic warfare tactics against the Jewish State, such as boycotts and sanctions, to “Free Palestine.”

Another Target Foundation grantee said parents must teach specifically “White children” about systemic racism and to “see color.” It also claimed that capitalism maintained a role in perpetuating racism.

Let’s stick with NDN Collective for argument’s sake. We already learned from David how Target partnered with GLSEN, a K-12 educational activist group, to promote transgender ideology and focus it on children.  The NDN Collective agenda is just as radical in its own context, particularly its LANDBACK campaign:

Dismantle white supremacy structures that forcefully removed us from our Lands and continue to keep our Peoples in oppression.

Defund white supremacy: the mechanisms and systems that continue to disconnect us from stewardship of the Land. Police, military industrial complex, prisons, criminal justice system, ICE

Return Indigenous lands to Indigenous hands (return of all public lands)

Consent Free and Prior Informed Consent if you are going to make decisions that impact Indigenous Peoples and the stewardship of our Lands.

Did you know you helped fund this campaign when you bought American flags at Target, along with all sorts of other items? Well … the more you know, and all.

The Mount Rushmore land issue has percolated for years and decades in South Dakota. At one time, plans were made to build a Crazy Horse monument to pay homage to Native Americans as a way to balance interests. No one took seriously any demands to return Mount Rushmore, but this agenda goes far beyond that. The NDN Collective demands the return of all “public lands” — presumably including at least a few Target locations — to “indigenous hands.”

This demand is so farcical that it qualifies as delusion, and not just because of the impossibility of returning to 1800 in terms of land allocation. Which “indigenous hands” would get the land? It should be public knowledge by now that Native American tribes committed genocide against each other, conquered lands from their rivals, and so on. There simply is no rational basis for identifying an ur-ownership on any land.

That’s simply delusional, but so is the demand to “defund white supremacy” and especially its specifics. NDN Collective — again, with funding from Target Foundation — wants to defund not just the police but also the military, prisons, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the entire ‘criminal justice system.’

That’s not a call to improve matters. It’s a call to end America. And Target supports it.

And as Fox points out, America isn’t the only country that the NDN Collective is working to bring to an end, thanks to Target’s funding. They want Israel wiped off the map, using the genocidal slogan of the Palestinians and supporting BDS as a means to accomplish it (emphasis mine):

When Palestine is free, we are all free. Although our Peoples come from different nations and geographies, the struggles against settler colonialism are the same. Not because we or our struggles are the same but because settler colonialists share playbooks. So it must be and will be our commitment to support calls to action when they arise, expanding on the history of solidarity our people have had with Palestinians, and holding our communities and leaders accountable when they make pro-zionist, pro-israel, and pro-settler colonial statements. It must also be our commitment to share and enact tactics to defend our communities, like the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, freeing our political prisoners- in Palestine and on Turtle Island, endorsing the statements of our siblings in struggle, investing in our youth, going through every single legal apparatus to return land/homes, international solidarity work, and building spaces on our own land for learning. The Palestinian cause is not just a Palestinian issue. It is not a complicated issue. It is a cause that we must all unite under. We recognize the Palestinians as Indigenous Peoples with an Indigenous connection and right to their ancestral land. We recognize israel as an illegal settler colonial state that has inflicted and continues to inflict immeasurable violence on the Palestinian People and should be held accountable in all measures. When Palestine is free, so are we. When we fight for LANDBACK, let it also be for the return of Palestinians onto theirs. From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free.

One look at the map makes the meaning of this slogan clear. Israel exists between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, and is the only country that does. It is the only Jewish state in the world, and was specifically created to recognize its Jewish identity and history over millennia as a means of allowing Jews to organize for their own defense. Jews had been “indigenous” in this region for thousands of years, a point that the radical Leftist NDN Collective ignores. They have been indigenous throughout the region, but have been ethnically cleansed in areas controlled by Arabs over the last two centuries especially, another point not noted by NDN Collective. And if NDN Collective has their way, the Jews would be ethnically cleansed ‘from the river to the sea’ too.

One might imagine that Target’s Jewish customers will find their support for this genocidal plan curious, to say the least, and flat-out offensive in the main. So will many other Americans who like America and don’t particularly want their money flowing to groups that hate it. My guess is that these groups overlap and combine to represent most of Target’s customer base in every corner of the country.

So just how much money does Target send to NDN Collective? Their website doesn’t specify, and we won’t know until their next tax filing. But sending even a dollar to this group is a dollar designed to insult most of Target’s customers and the country in which Target grew and prospered. And since the Target Corporation is the only donor to the Target Foundation, that’s precisely what they’re doing.

This Fourth of July, I’d recommend buying your celebratory items at a store that actually appreciates America, those who serve us, and the rule of law. And that might be a good idea every single day of the year.

Read the full article here
