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Greene: Speaker Johnson Stabbing GOP Voters in the Back, He Needs a ‘Pink Slip’



Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said Tuesday on Real America’s Voice’s “American Sunrise” that House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) should be removed from his position.

Greene said, “This is simple math. The more Republicans like Mike Gallagher that resign and leave early, guess what that means? We have less Republicans in the House. So every time a Mike Gallagher or a Ken Buck leaves early, that brings our numbers down and brings us dangerously closer to being in the minority.”

She continued, “It’s not Marjorie Taylor Greene that is saying the inconvenient truth and forcing everyone to wake up and realize Republican voters are done with us doing this kind of crap that we did last week, and they are fed up with speakers of the House and Republicans that go out and campaign and make all these promises and then turn around and stab their voters in the back, because that’s what Mike Johnson did on Friday. And that’s what he led our conference to do on Friday. I am not going to be responsible for Hakeem Jeffries being speaker of the House. I am not going to be responsible for a Democrat majority taking over our Republican majority. That lies squarely, squarely on the shoulders of these Republicans that are leaving early because they don’t have the intestinal fortitude to handle the real fight and the responsibility that comes with leadership at the end of our republic, when our country is nearly destroyed and when our constitution is being ran through a paper shredder.”

Greene added, “So no one is going to blame that on me. David, I’m going to tell you exactly what I’m going to do. I will be so careful and responsible with this. You want to know why I care about our majority? I am one of the few Republican members in the House that has actually paid all of my dues to the NRCC, and I did that because I want the majority and I want the majority next Congress, and I will fight for it. But I am not going to be silly, you know, nilly willy or be irresponsible with this motion to vacate. I will bring it to a floor vote at a time that I think is needed or responsible, or a good time to do it. But this is a pink slip. Johnson is on notice, and our conference needs a new speaker of the House.”

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