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Fifth bus of illegal aliens arrives in Los Angeles from Texas



Two more migrant buses arrived in Los Angeles Saturday from Texas. Governor Abbott seems to be accelerating the free transportation provided to illegal aliens detained in Texas to sanctuary cities across the country.

Los Angeles is the focus now. Previous bus trips transporting illegal aliens to other cities include Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Denver. Governor Abbott said he will not quit offering them a free ride to cities outside of Texas as long as the southern border is porous and not being secured by the federal government. The buses transfer small groups of people so the sanctuary cities are not overwhelmed like Texas border communities are. On Saturday, two buses arrived at Union Station with 48 migrants aboard. That number includes 18 minors.

Mayor Bass confirmed the arrival. Most of them have family in Los Angeles.

“The city has continued to work with city departments, the county, and a coalition of nonprofit organizations, in addition to our faith partners, to execute a plan set in place earlier this year,” Bass’ office said in a statement. “As we have before, when we became aware of the bus yesterday, we activated our plan.”

The migrants were transported to Cathedral High School after they arrived at Union Station. After the migrants were taken to the school, they were evaluated for any medical issues, provided food and given access to any other resources they needed, the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles told ABC 7. The group said most of the migrants have since been reunited with family.

For all the pearl-clutching done by leftists who want the porous southern border to remain as it is now, the trope that the illegal aliens are being forced to board the buses and taken away against their approval is proven wrong. The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) stresses that many of the illegal aliens have talked to officials and established asylum cases. What CHIRLA doesn’t say is that 9 out of 10 illegal aliens do not qualify for asylum under current immigration laws. Most illegal immigrants come across the border illegally to find jobs and lead a better life than how they were living in their home country. That kind of financial reason isn’t how asylum works.

The Biden DOJ calls treatment of illegal immigrants at the border inhumane. DOJ is going to sue Texas Governor Abbott to stop him from trying to secure the border, something he will not do. The truth is that the Biden border crisis inhumanely encourages illegal immigrants to cross the border illegally with the assurance they will probably be allowed to remain in the United States for the many years it will likely take for their asylum claims to be processed and have a day in court. The Biden border crisis has created a backlog in immigration cases that is years long. It is inhumane to give them false hope and subject them to cartels along the border.

This is the third set of buses that have arrived in L.A. over the last ten days. The last bus arrived Tuesday before the two that arrived on Saturday. I hope the increased frequency will continue. The Texas Legislature approved the funding of the migrant buses, so the money is there. It’s time to keep the pressure on Biden and a strong focus on the porous southern border as he runs for re-election. The Biden border crisis is intentional and Biden should be held accountable.

Read the full article here
