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Fetterman: Biden Panders to the Fringe as he Distances U.S. From Israel



Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) continues to speak truth to power, even to a president who is the head of his party. Fetterman said that Biden panders to the fringe of his party when he distances the United States from its ally, Israel. 

The result of an aged and demented American president’s weakness to hold the line and keep moral clarity with unwavering support for Israel as it battles Hamas for survival is what we saw over the weekend. Iran attacked Israel. President Biden is laughed at by nefarious actors in the world when they hear him say, “Don’t” as a response to potential threats. How ridiculous. It would be funny if it wasn’t so deadly. Don’t? That is not what a serious leader says. 

John Fetterman is a favorite among conservatives these days because of his clear-eyed support of Israel, his support of law enforcement, and his support of closing the southern border. He is not afraid of putting his opinions out on social media and in television interviews. 

It’s easy to like this kind of Democrat when he sounds sane and knows which side of history to be on. He’s still a Democrat, though, and he still supports Joe Biden’s re-election. He isn’t particularly concerned about Trump beating Biden in Pennsylvania in November but he acknowledges the race will be close.

Biden has gone wobbly in his support of Israel. Only after Iran let it be known that an attack on Israel was imminent did Biden start saying that his support for Israel is “ironclad.” Biden is more concerned about votes in Dearborn, Michigan from Muslim Arab Americans than he is about Israel’s fight to finish Hamas. Everything revolves around Biden’s re-election and it is a dangerous time because of that selfish focus. 

The world depends on America’s ability to separate good from evil and to act accordingly. Biden has been unable to keep the peace through strength around the world because he is a weak leader. There is no covering that up. 

Biden remained silent after a video came out of a speaker in Dearborn, Michigan who led a crowd in chants of “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.” Think about that for a moment – the president remained silent as supporters of Hamas chanted “Death to America” in America. Until now, that was unimaginable. Joe Biden is a coward.

After Iran attacked Israel, what did Joe Biden do? He came back from his weekend at his beach mansion in Delaware and held meetings at the White House. After meetings, the word was that Biden told Netanyahu that Iran was not successful and Netanyahu should just take the win. No further escalation is needed, he said. WHAT? Imagine if America had air attacks from, say, Mexico and our allies said to just take the win and don’t escalate the battle. That would never happen. It would be expected that the American response would be quick and deadly. 

Biden told Israel that America will not be part of counterstrikes against Iran. 

Fetterman said there can be no conditions placed on Israel during the war. He also was quick to point out that Biden is his man.

He said the attack ‘demonstrates how it’s astonishing that we are not standing firmly with Israel and there should never be any kind of conditions on all of that.’

‘When a nation can launch hundreds of drones towards Israel, and I’m not going to be talking about conditions – ever,’ the Pennsylvania Democrat said.

He added: ‘I don’t agree with the president. That doesn’t change anything – that he’s a fantastic president and I’m proud to stand with him and campaign with him and vote for him.’

Fetterman knows that Hamas will never negotiate a deal to end the war in good faith. Remember, a ceasefire was in place when Hamas massacred Israelis, Americans, and others on October 7, 2023. Agreements don’t mean anything to them. Hamas and Iran are cultures of death. They do not value life. 

‘The president is entitled to his own views and whatever he decides to do,’ Fetterman said. ‘But I would never capitulate to the fringe. I’ll never pander to that, as well. In fact, that helps, that empowers Hamas.’

He said Hamas is ‘convinced they are winning the PR war’ because Biden has faltered on his previously unwavering support for Israel.

‘They are never going to negotiate at this point,’ the senator speculated. ‘They think that they’re going to hold onto the very end.’

Fetterman points to the lack of conversation about the hostages still held by Hamas, including American citizens. He is right – there should be more conversation about them in the media. Keep their names and stories in public view until they are released. There can’t be a ceasefire without the release of hostages. 

Credit when credit is due. Senator Fetterman continues to surprise us with his opinions on crucial matters. 

Read the full article here
