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Fauci hired by Georgetown University as a professor



You may now call him Professor Saint Anthony. Anthony Fauci has been hired by Georgetown University as a professor. Of course he has.

Fauci will be a professor at the school of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases. He starts his new gig next week. Just when we thought we were rid of that ego, he comes bouncing back. Now he will be teaching the next generation of doctors and that’s a little scary, given his history during his career. He will serve as a “distinguished university professor” in the school’s infectious disease division, because he did such a bang-up job with the two big infectious diseases he tackled during his decades-long career – HIV/AIDS and the coronavirus pandemic.

Anthony Fauci is revered by the left so it is not surprising that he lands at a liberal, elite university. This is what happens. After a career where he served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) from 1984 to 2022, and the chief medical advisor to the president from 2021 to 2022, he retired from his government job at the end of 2022. And the church said “Amen.” That’s sarcasm. Kinda. There is an icky amount of hero-worship going on from the left toward Fauci.

The announcement by Georgetown was glowing and included references to “the Jesuit value of being in service to others.”

Starting July 1, Fauci will serve as a Distinguished University Professor in the School of Medicine’s Department of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases, an academic division that provides clinical care, conducts research and trains future physicians in infectious diseases. He will also hold an additional appointment in the university’s McCourt School of Public Policy.

The rank of University Professor is Georgetown’s highest professional honor that recognizes extraordinary achievement in scholarship, teaching and service.

“We are deeply honored to welcome Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, a dedicated public servant, humanitarian and visionary global health leader, to Georgetown,” says Georgetown President John J. DeGioia. “Dr. Fauci has embodied the Jesuit value of being in service to others throughout his career, and we are grateful to have his expertise, strong leadership and commitment to guiding the next generation of leaders to meet the pressing issues of our time.”

Fauci retired from his government job after more than 50 years. His is the biggest retirement pension of any other government servant. At the time of his retirement, he was paid more than the president.

A salary analysis conducted by Open The Books concluded that Fauci’s first year pension payout will total $414,000 which is more than the $400,000 brought in by the president.

Fauci recently suggested he will retire at the end of President Biden’s first term at which point he will have turned 85 years old and served as a federal employee for 59 years.

Open The Books analyzed Fauci’s salary, which is currently $480,654 per year but is expected to shoot to $530,000 by 2024, and factored in “conservative” pay bumps and annuities based on previous years to estimate his pension.

Fauci is “delighted” with his new job.

“I am delighted to join the Georgetown family, an institution steeped in clinical and academic excellence with an emphasis on the Jesuit tradition of public service,” Fauci said. “This is a natural extension of my scientific, clinical and public health career, which was initially grounded from my high school and college days where I was exposed to intellectual rigor, integrity and service-mindedness of Jesuit institutions.”

The adoration will continue. He’s a man who fails up. Even though he was so completely wrong in his reasoning on how HIV/AID should be treated. He led a fear campaign that resulted in those infected with AIDS being ostracized from society. Fauci acted as though just simply touching an AIDS patient was a death sentence. That’s not much of an over-exaggeration. People were scared out of their minds about AIDS. Fauci was convinced a vaccine was the solution and yet he never saw that through. Millions and millions of dollars flushed when now HIV patients are treated with therapeutic drugs and living long and productive lives. So much time wasted. The ugly left blamed President Reagan for many failures that were Fauci’s failures, not Reagan’s. He advised every president from Reagan to Biden. In 2008, President George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his work on the AIDS relief program PEPFAR.

Fauci’s career spanned lots of infectious diseases. Those include SARS, the Swine flu, MERS, and Ebola. Has his wisdom and stellar intellect eradicated all those diseases? No. It just seems to me that if he is being heralded as some sort of genius and trusted figure when it comes to public health policy – and now he’ll be teaching the next generation about that subject – then he should have a successful track record to point to, right?

St. Anthony was just as wrong about the coronavirus pandemic. He did the scare tactics that were seen during the height of the AIDS epidemic. Fauci and his minions had us wiping down packages and not touching them for hours after delivery so that COVID-19 germs would die before we touched them. Remember that bit of wisdom? All of the precautions were wrong, as we now know. Standing six feet apart, and wearing masks? Nope. A waste of time for most people. The hand washing nagging I am more open to because I am a hand-washer. Ever since I became a mom all those years ago, I am conscious of washing my hands. My son can vouch for that. But, the fact remains, Fauci was wrong, again, and scared the bejesus out of us unnecessarily.

Fauci, like many Democrats and other government bureaucrats, falls up. There is no vaccine for AIDS. The vaccines for COVID-19 failed and didn’t live up to the hype. He and his team at the White House played on our fears and took advantage of our ignorance. All the while, Fauci was getting rich and famous, on television non-stop doing interviews. A documentary was made about him during the pandemic. He was honored with awards and his face was plastered on magazine covers. He posed for magazine articles and he threw out the first ball at a Nationals game (really badly, but he threw it.) Everything you could think of, he was honored with it. It was as though he is Jonas Salk and developed a vaccine for polio. Salk worked on developing a vaccine for AIDS in his final years. He passed away in 1995 at the age of 80.

The decision to join the faculty was a “no-brainer”, you know. His wife is a Georgetown graduate and the couple was married at the university’s chapel.

“I ask myself, now at this stage in my life, what do I have to offer to society?” he said. “And I think, sure, I could do more experiments in the lab and have my lab going. But given what I’ve been through, I think what I have to offer is experience and inspiration to the younger generation of students.”

Fauci goes about his merry way now. He isn’t being held accountable for his handling of the pandemic. Nope. Just move along. He fails up again.

Read the full article here
