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Fauci has a government limo and Marshals for security



It’s good to be a lying government bureaucrat. And Anthony Fauci was very good at being one.

A liar, I mean. And I guess that skill is as important to being a truly powerful and effective bureaucrat as any other. Not that all bureaucrats are liars; it just helps you get ahead.

Fauci is something of an enigma, being the public health equivalent of J. Edgar Hoover. Hoover was head of the federal law enforcement apparatus for 48 years, both before it was called the FBI and until 1972. Fauci wasn’t head of the National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases for quite that long, but at 38 years it was a great run. He ran the organization from Ronald Reagan’s presidency until he retired under Biden.

As a government bureaucrat, he became quite wealthy and powerful and retired as the highest-paid federal employee, with a salary of $434,000. He also retired about twice as wealthy after COVID hit than before, which is quite a feat for a man who was presumably working 24/7/365 to save lives.

The president makes $400,000.

Fauci is now, at 82, still very vital (can you believe he is older than Biden?), and has a nice sinecure at Georgetown University as a faculty member. I love to be as in shape now as Fauci is, although I would prefer to be in shape and not 82.

He is also, it seems, still sucking off the taxpayers’ teat by sticking us with the bill for his security, including a chauffeured limo to take him from place to place.

Not only did he make more than a President of the United States, he still has the same perks.

Now don’t get me wrong, I think Fauci has something to worry about. Not because he deserves to be in danger, but because all prominent people are in some greater danger than most, and somebody who messed with as many lives as Fauci did has made a lot of people angry, including some truly irrational people. I don’t know what level of security is necessary–not my area of expertise–but he probably should have some.

But I am pretty sure that an escort of US Marshalls and a government limousine is a bit excessive. If Fauci is going to have an entourage, he should probably pay for it himself with his newly-gotten pandemic riches.

Obviously, the Secretary of Health and Human Services Becerra knew that would be my and others’ reaction to this, so his department lied and claimed that Fauci does not get government security. This is standard procedure in the Biden Administration.

Watters said a Fox News Freedom of Information Act request revealed that the U.S. Marshals took Fauci’s security earlier this year. The Health and Human Services Department had previously told Congress that they had not paid for Fauci’s security since January.

“It’s a terrible example of the government lying to its representatives and to the people,” Paul said. “I have no idea why this bureaucrat still has a limo driver security detail.”

By now it is clear that the gap between the ruling class and the rest of us is so great that nobody thinks twice about the extraordinary privileges of the “best and the brightest” and those they purport to serve. They simply take what they want, make us pay for it, and lie to our faces when we ask about it.

We are proles, they are nobility.

Read the full article here
