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Fatah, ‘Moderate’ Palestinian Party, Urges Expansion of Attacks on Israel
Fatah, the so-called “moderate” political organization that governs the Palestinian Authority, has called for an expansion of the war against Israel, following the massive terror attack by Hamas this weekend.
The Palestinian terror attack, which has claimed roughly 700 Israeli lives — with thousands wounded and about 100 kidnapped — happened on the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret, the final day of the annual High Holy Day cycle.
Palestinian Media Watch, which monitors Arabic-language broadcasts in Gaza, the West Bank, and beyond, reported:
While Israel counted more than 600 dead, 2,000 wounded, and around 100 hostages, a Fatah official said that this is a “morning of victory, joy, and pride.” He then urged all Palestinians to participate in the terror against Israel – in what he termed “this story of heroism” …
Fatah Jenin branch member Abd Al-Rahman Abu Al-Rub: “We say to our people and to the members of the Palestinian people: A morning of victory, and morning of joy, a morning of pride (refers to Hamas terror massacre; see note below -Ed.). We ask Allah to send a blessing to our heroic Martyrs in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and wherever the Palestinian people is… We in the Fatah Movement in the Jenin district convey the message to all our brothers and to all our Palestinian people that they are compelled to take action and participate in this story of heroism with the Palestinian people that is realizing its natural right to fight the occupation and liberate the occupied lands.”
[Palestinian Authority] Chairman Abbas justified Hamas’ attack and massacre of civilians as “self-defense.”
Last month, Abbas compared Israel to the Nazis during a meeting at the United Nations.
Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the new biography, Rhoda: ‘Comrade Kadalie, You Are Out of Order’. He is also the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.
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