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DHS has a new pathway for Central Americans to enter the United States



A new way for Central Americans to jump the line and be allowed into the United States was announced on Friday. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will allow them to enter the United States on a three-year pass which that government can renew. No more waiting outside the U.S. before being allowed to enter.

This means that people from Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras who are approved for immigration because they have relatives who are U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents. This is a parole program that will allow them to jump the green card line and come in earlier. No more waiting for a slot to open.

It’s all in the name of family unity, according to DHS Secretary Mayorkas. “These new processes promote family unity and provide lawful pathways consistent with our laws and our values,” “Our values” already allow 100,000 illegal immigrants a month into the United States using a parole program. They haven’t been issued a legal visa to enter but they are allowed entry anyway. Allegedly the parole program will encourage them to apply for legal status later. Mayorkas said the idea is to keep them from entering illegally. “The department has proved that the expansion of safe, orderly and lawful pathways, combined with strong enforcement, is effective in reducing dangerous, irregular migration to the United States,” he said.

Parole expansions have been used for Afghan evacuees, Ukrainians, Venezuelans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Cubans, and a broad category of people who show up in Mexico and are pondering jumping the border illegally.

Critics point out that Biden isn’t reducing illegal immigration, just changing where it happens.

Rosemary Jenks, vice president at NumbersUSA, which advocates stricter immigration limits, cast doubt on the program. She said people who already have a future pathway to the U.S. aren’t likely to be the ones rushing to cross the border illegally, so the program won’t change the border numbers much.

Instead, she said, the Biden White House is playing favorites.

“This administration seems intent to discriminate based on national origins in favor of some countries while ignoring green card waiting lists for other countries,” she said. “This is not about deterring illegal immigration; this is about bringing additional people into the United States.”

Parole is supposed to be used on a case-by-case basis where there is an urgent humanitarian need or a significant benefit to the public.

Biden governs by picking winners and losers. Now, if a migrant has a relative already here, they will be given special treatment. How is this fair to those who follow the law and try to come into the country legally? People who pay the fees and get visas and wait for a slot to open up, usually the process takes years to complete.

The new program starts today. It is called the Family Reunification Parole Process. Those family members who qualify for parole are adult children and siblings of U.S. citizens, as well as children and spouses of permanent residents.

If selected and approved, the relatives would be permitted to enter the country under humanitarian parole authority, which also allows them to work in the U.S. legally. Those migrants would be able to gain permanent residency, or a green card, once their visa is available.

Those who cross the U.S.-Mexico border without permission or are intercepted at sea on their way to American soil after July 10 are disqualified from the process.

This is how Team Biden plans to reduce illegal immigration. Just change up the rules and allow in a large number of people who would not otherwise qualify for entry into the United States to be granted legal residence. I’m old enough to remember when Melania Trump’s parents went through the legal process and were allowed legal residence in America. They went on to help take care of Barron when the Trump family moved into the White House. The left lost its mind over that, because, Trump.

In notices to implement the program, DHS called it “an alternative to irregular migration to help relieve pressure at the Southwest Border.” The goal for the Biden administration has always been to expand immigration. There have been almost six million illegal migrants apprehended so far during the Biden administration. Most have been allowed to remain in the country. Don’t fall for it when the administration pretends it is working to secure the southern border and decrease the number of illegal migrants crossing the border. Changing the rules to justify allowing 100,000 parolees into the country every month is not a legitimate policy. It is not any more sustainable than the porous border created by the Biden border crisis. DHS is trying to pull the wool over your eyes. The millions of illegal aliens now in the country is an intentional act by Biden. This is what he wants. Next will be a push for blanket amnesty for all illegal aliens in the country, especially if he is re-elected in 2024.

Read the full article here
