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Desperate Biden Signs Off on U.S. Military Building Infrastructure for Hamas



Think of this story as you watch the State of the Union address. President Biden has given his ok for the U.S. military to build a port on the Gaza coast to bring relief to the population there.

This is how desperate Joe Biden is to win the state of Michigan in November. The Uncommitted movement has taken him by surprise and a victory in Michigan is not certain for Biden. It is hard for Biden to win in November without winning Michigan. 

Rep. Rashida Tlaib and her sister have organized the Uncommitted movement in Michigan to oppose Joe Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war. Muslim Arab American voters make up an important bloc and Joe Biden is nervous. The voters in places like Dearborn are telling Team Biden they will not vote for Biden in November. They aren’t going to vote for Trump, either. They will probably skip the top of the ballot. Or they will stay home.

During his State of the Union address, Biden will announce his decision to send the U.S. military on an emergency mission for Hamas. The White House said this mission will not include putting American military boots on the ground.  

‘The President will announce that he’s directing the US military to lead an emergency mission to establish a port in the Mediterranean on the Gaza coast that can receive large ships carrying food, water medicine, and temporary shelters,’ a senior administration official said on a briefing call with reporters on Thursday.

‘The planning involves the presence of US military personnel on military vessels offshore but does not require US military personnel to go ashore to install the pier or causeway facility that will allow to the transportation of humanitarian assistance,’ a senior defense official said.

‘We’re not planning for this to be an operation that would require U.S. boots on the ground,’ an official noted.

Pardon my skepticism but do we trust this administration on any “planning” going on by this incompetent lot? Remember the withdrawal from Afghanistan? Since then American bases in the Middle East have been attacked by Iran and its proxies while Joe Biden twiddles his thumbs and goes for ice cream cones. 

Because of Biden’s inability to project strength to the world, Russia invaded Ukraine, Hamas massacred Israelis and others on October 7, 2023, and it feels like the world is on fire. China is testing Biden, too, over Taiwan. And, don’t forget that Iran is thisclose to having nuclear weapons thanks to Biden releasing billions of dollars to that country. Why would we trust anything Biden’s merry band of stooges says about military actions?

Allegedly other countries will be involved, though it is unclear if Israel is one of the countries. 

The officials offered no time line for when the pier will be built or where exactly it will be located but said its construction will allow more shipments of food, medicine and other essential items to be delivered to the 2.2 million Palestinians.

They said the White House will coordinate with the Israelis regarding security on the ground and with the United Nations and humanitarian groups on getting aid delivered. 

The temporary pier will allow for hundreds of additional truckloads of assistance each day, the officials said. It will be an additional route for humanitarian aid, which is currently limited to two land crossings into the southern part of Gaza.

Any aid going to Gaza is under the control of Hamas. Hamas runs the show in the Gaza Strip. It is not Israel that is preventing humanitarian aid to Gaza. It is Hamas who hijacks the aid so that the people do not receive what they need. This action is to appease the ceasefire wing of the progressive left in America. It is the ultimate pander for votes in Michigan. 

Biden has gone wobbly on support for Israel. He says one thing in public and another in private. It is unthinkable the damage he is doing to the relationship between the only democracy in the neighborhood and the United States. Joe Biden doesn’t care. The candidate who promised to bring normal back sure does do some abnormal things every chance he gets. 

Here’s the thing – why is it that Biden can help secure the Gazan border to allow humanitarian aid to flow but cannot secure the southern border of the United States? He can do it right now but chooses not to. Has he written off Texas votes, and maybe Arizona votes? He can provide humanitarian aid to Americans by providing resources like personnel and equipment to secure the southern border. He could re-open migrant shelters that he closed when he ended Trump’s policies and agreements on his first day in office. The Biden border crisis is deliberate and a dereliction of duty. 

Biden is choosing to help Hamas, an internationally recognized terror organization, over American citizens. It’s all about votes. Let that sink in. Remember that when he starts babbling about the Israel-Hamas war. Will Biden address the southern border? I won’t be surprised if he ignores it as he has for three years. The White House said he will not announce any new executive orders on border security. Shocker, I know. That would mean he has to cop to his failures and he won’t do that. 

Parents of an American being held hostage in Gaza will be attending the State of the Union address. They will join more than a dozen other family members of hostages who have American citizenship.

New Jersey Rep. Josh Gottheimer, a Jewish Democrat, is hosting Adi as well as Jonathan Dekel-Chen, who is the father of hostage Sagui Dekel-Chen.

“Their presence is a strong reminder that Americans, including Adi’s son Edan and Jonathan’s son Sagui, are still being held hostage at hands of Hamas terrorists,” Gottheimer said in a Monday statement. “It’s been 150 days since they were captured. Nothing is more important than getting them home now. Period.”

Yael is being hosted by Rep. Donald Norcross, a Democrat from N.J. Hostage family members are being hosted by representatives of both parties. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has invited as his guest Mia Schem, a freed Israeli hostage.

Joe Biden has been a complete disaster in the White House. He must be defeated in November. We can’t survive another four years of his incompetence and ineptness. 

Read the full article here
