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Department of Doom and Dumber: DoD tripping all over themselves lately



What a freakin’ clown show – the circus is in town, and that town is Washington, D.C. While it’s hard to pick a bigger Crusty than the one currently embarrassing us across Europe, the dim bulbs revolving in orbit around him are keeping the proverbial porch light on back here in the States.

Exhibit A: former Clinton intern (*spits*) Christine Wormuth, now the completely jacked up Secretary of the Army – that woman needs to GO, as of, like, YESTERDAY.

A patriotic history of family service is bad?

…Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said she expects within weeks to begin drafting a proposal for a recruiting overhaul so sweeping that Congress might need to pass legislation to enact all of it.

…Today, nearly 80% of all new Army recruits have a family member who has served in uniform, according to the service. That can be a good thing, said Col. Mark Crow, director of the Office of Economic and Manpower Analysis at West Point, because “people who know the most about it stick around.”

Depending too much on military families could create a “warrior caste,” Wormuth said. Her plans seek to draw in people who have no real connection to the military and to broaden the appeal of service.

She’s so solid she can afford to diss “second generation” military recruits, when they make up 80% of the force and recruiting is in trouble? That’s like telling voters who might disagree on an issue or two with you that they are not welcome at all. They’ll take you at your word sometimes.

Not to mention, as Daniel Greenfield points out in his piece:

There are sixth and seventh-generation military families. There is a ‘warrior caste’ insofar as you have families who have fought for this country since the War of Independence. They showed up, they bled, and now they’re to be replaced by drag queens and identity politics quotas.

Yo, sanctimonious bureaucrat. Count me as one of the insulted warrior caste you so despise. Whose family service – not just continuously back to the Revolution, but to the 1636-7 Pequot War – has enabled braindead, over-educated elites such as yourself to have cushy chairs and big ideas about reforming things you have no inkling of. Like honor, duty, service, esprit de corps, and flat out bustin’ your ass.

…Last year, the Army’s top officer, Gen. James McConville, told reporters the service was prepared to eliminate redundancies in the Army’s key fighting units, which are called brigade combat teams. The Army would maintain the number of the units by reducing the personnel in each of them, a restructuring that was prompted by the recruiting crunch, according to one defense official.

Mark Cancian, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a nonpartisan think tank, said the Army might end up making cuts that leave too few soldiers in platoons and other units. During peacetime and training this may go unnoticed, but if those units have to deploy, the Army would have to take troops from other units to fill in gaps.

Undermanned units aren’t ready to respond quickly, Cancian said, and units with fill-in soldiers don’t have the same effectiveness as a unit whose members trained together for months or years. “What you’re going to see in the Army are hollow units,” he said.

Wormuth, the Army secretary, has said units will get cuts but hasn’t made public her plan. She has for months hinted at broader force reductions.

“If you look at us over the course of the last 50 years of history, the Army is a little bit like an accordion. We tend to expand in times of war,” Wormuth said. “Frankly that’s how the Founding Fathers thought about the military, they didn’t want a large standing militia.”

It always galls me when these eggheads piously quote “the Founding Fathers” as an appeal to authority for something diametrically opposed to what those same patriots would have done.

Enough about her – what a waste of space. She’s going to torpedo Army retention all by herself at this rate. I can’t imagine the new, improved recruiting she rolls out, and when that slice of the population tumbles into the ranks – if they do?

…“The Army is strategically deploying recruiters to communities across the country based on demographics, ethnicity, race, and gender,” Wormuth had claimed in a written statement.

Here’s what that ends up looking like.

In pursuit of REDCAT quotas, a message from the United States Army Special Operations Command urges soldiers to “select the ethnic group code that includes the most accurate description of ethnic background or combination of ethnicities in their ethnic background.”

At the Virginia National Guard, past recruitment was aimed at making the Guard “match the demographics of the state within 1% of the REDCAT” and when that failed, developing a “target for underrepresented groups each FY by comparing census data” and then “if the demographics are not within the 1% target develop three (3) COAs to attain the objective by 28 February of each year.”

Rather than getting the best people or even adequately qualified people, the goal is to match the force to the census data in a completely senseless exercise so that the people they do get are 20% black, 7.2% Asian, and 0.6% American Indian, or develop a plan to get those Asians.

Holy crap. The stampede to the exits is going to be epic.

And military members had better hope they don’t get hurt in the rush out the door, because DoD bad #mathz skills aren’t only just for massaging out extra billions worth of crap to send to Ukraine.

They were planning on slashing doctors and medical staff across the board, and…well…mistakes were made.

The Defense Department’s plan to cut 12,801 medical positions from the DoD, Army, Navy and Air Force was built on inadequate assessments, a shortcoming that could affect patient care, including treatment for service members during wartime, a new Government Accountability Office report finds.

The watchdog agency report released Tuesday said the department still has not “fully or consistently assessed the effects of potential reductions.” In 2019, the Pentagon proposed to eliminate more than 17,000 uniformed medical billets – including 10,739 doctors, dentists, nurses, corpsmen and medics — but the figure was later reduced by roughly 4,500 positions due to further analysis and attrition.

The idea was that some billets would be repurposed as operational billets — combat or combat support jobs — while leaner medical staffs provided care for all military personnel and dependents in some locations. Other family members and retirees were to be shifted to civilian care through the Tricare network.

According to the GAO, the department used wartime scenarios to determine how many active-duty medical personnel it would need but didn’t actually define the requirements before proposing the cuts. The DoD also failed to factor in challenges with recruitment or retention when determining the size of its medical corps.

Well, THAT’S peachy, especially in a military that has a whole host of new, self-inflicted issues to pay for, like “transitioning” members.

Brilliant, just frickin’ brilliant.



Which also explains how the World Wildlife Fund will shortly have approval authority over Defense Department contracts.

Oh. You hadn’t heard?

A new Biden administration rule aimed at reducing carbon emissions would give approval authority over large U.S. defense contracts to a little-known British environmentalist group that just incorporated two weeks ago.

Under the White House’s proposed rule change, a London-based group called the Science Based Targets Initiative that is funded by the Democratic Party’s main dark money network would be responsible for approving the carbon emissions reduction plans of large federal contractors.

The Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) is a fee-based service that helps companies set emissions reduction targets in line with the Paris Climate Agreement and verifies their progress. But its foreign status and murky financial background raise questions about the Biden administration’s decision to outsource its vetting process to the group. Critics say the proposal would give SBTi enormous veto power over American defense contracts and access to potentially sensitive data about U.S. military suppliers.

“I think Americans will be upset when they realize the Biden administration is trying to put a bunch of unelected bureaucrats and a climate activist group—headquartered in London—in charge of long-term planning for our national defense contractors,” said Travis Fisher, a senior energy research fellow at the Heritage Foundation.

It’s right here in the Federal Register announcement.

Screencap Federal Register

The World Wildlife Federation – it’s almost appropriate.

Almost. Because nothing about this sad, virtue-signaling, hard-core idealogue, breathtakingly arrogant, irredeemably incompetent cluster of warm bodies resembles anything remotely “wild.”

And our troops, the country’s security and our country itself are going to pay dearly for it.

I’ve heard this song before.


Read the full article here
