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Dem Rep. Himes: Hamas Steals Aid, But Israel Needs to Get More Aid in



On Wednesday’s broadcast of “CNN Newsroom,” Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) stated that Hamas “has a long history of stealing aid,” and “needs to stop that” but Israel also should inspect land shipments of aid much faster so more aid can get in and praised the U.S. airdropping aid into Gaza.

Himes said, “Look, the humanitarian situation inside Gaza is untenable, and every party involved here needs to do more. Hamas, of course, which has a long history of stealing aid, needs to stop that in the interest of the people that they purport to represent. The United States is, of course, doing everything we can. There [are] airdrops happening, there’s a pier being constructed in the ocean. The Israelis need to commit themselves to inspecting land cargos a lot faster than they are doing. It does not serve anybody’s purpose to have Gazans starving. It is both a moral affront and it’s ultimately not in the long-term interests of a long-term solution to this problem. So, I would answer your question by saying every single party involved needs to stretch a lot more than they are right now to make sure that humanitarian aid is delivered.”

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