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Dem Rep. Goldman: Hunter Biden Plea Agreement Broke Down Because Threat of Trump Weaponizing DOJ



Representative Daniel Goldman (D-NY) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that Hunter Biden’s plea agreement broke down “because of the threat of Donald Trump’s weaponization of the Department of Justice if he were to become president.”

Anchor Jake Tapper said, “So, House Republicans say, and we kind of heard former Congressman Will Hurd say something similar just now, hey, U.S. Attorney Weissw may be a Trump appointee but also has signed off on this slap of the wrist, sweetheart deal, their words, not mine.”

Goldman said, “No one knows what the evidence is, so when they say this is a sweetheart deal, they are blowing smoke because they have no idea. And so this is, to my mind, having been a federal prosecutor for ten years, not at all a sweetheart deal. This is something routinely treat treated in a civil way, through civil penalties, not criminally. Yet Hunter Biden was charged with crimes. This is a five-year investigation. They looked at everything. We know that from testimony in the Oversight Committee. They had foreign bank records. They had domestic bank records, hundreds of thousands of documents. and this is ultimately what they thought they could charge.

He continued, “Now, in the ordinary course, you would not give immunity for other conduct than what is charged. But this is not the ordinary course because you have a petty, vindictive bully running for president on the Republican Party who will use revenge and weaponize the Department of Justice to potentially charge Hunter Biden.”

Goldman added, “So even though I’m sure Hunter Biden has confidence that David Weiss will not charge him with additional crimes, They have no confidence that if Donald Trump wins that he would weaponize the Department of Justice to charge Hunter Biden, go back and charge him. That’s why this plea agreement has broken down, because of the threat of Donald Trump’s weaponization of the Department of Justice if he were to become president.”

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