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Dem Rep. Dan Goldman accidentally connects Joe Biden to Hunter’s business dealings and other thoughts



The House Oversight Committee held a hearing on Wednesday to hear testimony from two whistleblowers who worked on the IRS investigation into Hunter Biden. Only one major cable television network carried the hearing live and that was Fox. It was evident from the beginning of the hearing that Democrats were there to cover for Hunter Biden and the Biden family, including The Big Guy. It was quite a show. I have some thoughts.

The identity of “whistleblower X” was revealed to be special agent Joseph Ziegler. He stated upfront that he had no political motivation as a whistleblower. In fact, he said, he is a gay Democrat married to a man. He has more than a dozen years serving in the IRS’s criminal investigative division. Also testifying was his IRS supervisor Gary Shapley. It is a sign of the times in which we live that Ziegler felt the need to give out such personal information about himself in order to establish cred among the committee Democrats. He bravely came forward and said that Hunter Biden “should have been charged with a tax felony, and not only the tax misdemeanor charge,” and that communications and text messages reviewed by investigators “may be a contradiction to what President Biden was saying about not being involved in Hunter’s overseas business dealings.”

That was important testimony because the House Democrats, in particular ranking member Rep. Jamie Raskin, were determined to say that Hunter Biden did not get any kind of sweetheart deals and that there is no evidence that the Biden crime family is, in fact, grifting off of Old Yeller’s name and political career to the tune of millions of dollars. The Democrats were so desperate to change the subject that most of them did little more than try to distract by bringing Donald Trump and his family into the mix. It was an attempt to blame Trump for the actions of Hunter and the Biden family.

Raskin began his attack on Republicans for holding the hearing in his opening statement and kept it up throughout the hearing.

Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin tore into his GOP colleagues for putting on a “theater of the absurd” in their effort to “smear President Biden” with a “wild goose chase” into Hunter bided’s international business earnings.

“Like every other try by our colleagues to concoct a scandal about President Biden, this one is a complete and total bust,” he said.

The problem for Democrats trying desperately to pooh-pooh the testimony of the two IRS witnesses is that these two whistleblower have not changed their stories at all from the beginning of the investigation, several years ago. The two men are respected professionals with solid reputations. Both are known throughout their agency as excellent witnesses to testify before the committee. So, the strategy for the Democrats was to essentially hold a parallel hearing. Republicans were getting the testimony from the IRS whistleblowers while Democrats were trashing Trump and his family and Republicans in general for everything.

The IRS whistleblowers brought receipts. The evidence that Democrats said the Republicans did not have to nail Hunter and Joe Biden was there. Ziegler listed specific banking information about the shell companies and the millions of dollars paid to Hunter by overseas companies – to the tune of $17M all together. He read the numbers off his documents. The countries involved in paying Hunter in exchange for nothing but access were Romania, China, and, of course, Ukraine.

Marjorie Taylor Greene held up large poster-style photos of Hunter and his adventures with cocaine and hookers. The Democrats clutched their pearls and objected to the photos making their way into the hearing. The problem with those objections is that the photos are already known to the public. They’ve been plastered all over television reports and online ever since Hunter’s computer turned up.

A two-tiered justice system? Well, Rep. Frost, a black Freshman Democrat from Florida, went on for five minutes about racial injustice and how a two-tiered justice system doesn’t exist except for black and brown people. He brought in Emmett Till and George Floyd to make points. As ridiculous as his diatribe was, the most ridiculous point he made, without saying so, is that he is so lacking in self-awareness that he was actually standing up for special treatment for a priviledged white man, Hunter Biden.

Rep. Brown brought up the rate of black taxpayers being audited by the IRS as opposed to white taxpayers. This is how ridiculous Democrats are in protecting Hunter and Joe Biden.

The star of the Democrat side of the aisle was Rep. Dan Goldman. He accidentally made the point that Joe Biden did discuss Hunter’s business dealings with him though all along Old Yeller has lied about that. He was trying to prove that poor Hunter is just the victim of a two-tier justice system.

Remember, Dan Goldman is the heir to the Levi jeans fortune. He was elected to Congress after making a name for himself as lead majority counsel in the first impeachment inquiry against Trump. He was also lead counsel to House Managers in the second impeachment trial. He’s shown himself to be a rather dim bulb.

This tweet is *chef’s kiss* perfect as an example of how deranged Democrats are in trying to stop Trump from running in 2024.

Please keep this stooge front and center in all hearings having to do with Biden crime family dealings.

The whistleblowers are to be commended for stepping forward and speaking about how their hands were tied during the years-long investigation. They were not allowed to interview Biden family members, though they show up in the records as having been paid. They were not allowed to do anything that may upset Old Yeller and his election. Democrats may try to turn this on Trump and his family but this story isn’t going anywhere. Thanks, Dan Goldman, for proving the Republicans are right to pursue this.

The White House mocked the whistleblowers testimony and the hearing.

“Despite years of obsession and countless wasted taxpayer dollars on a wild goose chase, the House GOP hasn’t offered a single credible piece of evidence of wrongdoing by the President,” White House spokesman for oversight and investigations Ian Sams tweeted Wednesday. “This waste of time reflects the extraordinarily misplaced priorities of House Rs.”

Remember when Democrats hailed whistleblowers as heroes? Not so much anymore, now that the administration has changed in the White House.

Read the full article here
