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De-banking has begun in the US



I have written a couple times about the de-banking scandal in the UK, where Coutts Bank apparently has dropped thousands of customers for being politically incorrect.

This came to light because they took on a target too big to ignore: Nigel Farage, a GBN broadcaster and leader in the Brexit movement. He had been a member of the European Parliament and founded the UK Independence Party, which transformed into the Brexit Party.

In other words, Farage is a big deal in Britain. Lots of people love him, and lots of people hate him, including every single member of the establishment.

Britons, though, hated that Farage and other people with views unpopular to the establishment could simply be exiled from the modern economy based upon the whims of bank executives, so scandal erupted and the fallout is still raining down.

But as with so many bad ideas that originate in Europe, the US is a follower, and de-banking has come to the US. There have been attempts in recent years to move in this direction–famously the credit card companies tried to identify gun purchases for the government by flagging every single gun and ammo purchase, but they retreated some due to a backlash.

But the process moves forward. Chase is now quietly dropping customers for political reasons.

If you don’t know Mercola, he is a doctor on the fringe of natural medicine. I have been aware of him for a while, and without knowing much about him I have gathered that many think he is something of a crank.

Well, that describes quite a few people and is hardly a reason to make him a non-person. If you think he is a crank, say so. Don’t throw him out of the economy. There are no allegations of illegal or unethical activities, only wrongthink.

My guess is that there are already hundreds of Americans in this position, and as with Britain it will take some high-profile cancelations to garner attention. Mercola has a following, and it probably crosses party lines. But I am not sure whether his profile is sufficient to garner sufficient attention to prompt Congressional interest.

In the United States, the common thread among the victims seems to be COVID dissent. Being spreaders of “misinformation” is apparently the offense that will get you booted.

As expected, the social credit system is already here and gearing up.

It is coming for you, too.

Read the full article here
