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Clyburn: ‘Maybe’ Austin Should Have Said Something Sooner



On Wednesday’s edition of NBC’s “Meet the Press Now,” Biden 2024 Campaign Co-Chair Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) said that while Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin “Maybe” should have told people about his health issues and hospitalization sooner, the story “Absolutely” does not rise to the level where Austin should resign his position, but the White House’s investigation into the matter will figure out who was responsible for notifying people about Austin’s condition and he doesn’t want to get out in front of the White House investigation.

Host Peter Alexander asked, “Does this issue rise to the level where the Secretary needs to step down or that someone else should serve as Defense Secretary in your view?”

Clyburn responded, “Absolutely not. Maybe he should have spoken earlier. He thought he was going in — as my understanding is — for a simple, in-and-out procedure. And that happened, except that, four or five days later, complications set in. Now, that changed the dynamics in a big way. Now, who is responsible at that point? I think an investigation that the White House is conducting will reveal what needs to be done, and I won’t get out in front of that.”

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