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Chaos at Border Is Trump’s Fault?



You have to hand it to faux-Republican Joe Scarborough; no matter what happens, it is Donald Trump’s fault that it did. 

At this point we can no longer call Scarborough a gaslighter, simply because the only people who could possibly take anything he says seriously are those who desperately want to believe what he says. No sane person could. 

The latest example is Scarborough’s determination to have people believe that the riot at the Texas border in which illegal aliens stormed the border overrunning Texas National Guard troops is entirely Trump’s fault. 

However, but for Donald Trump, the border would be secure. 

It is just barely possible that Scarborough believes this, assuming he secretly spent a few months in North Korea to get brainwashed. Or, perhaps, 30 Rockefeller Center exists within a reality distortion field, which would explain the insanity of other MSNBC hosts. 

But I prefer the simpler explanation: Scarborough is a propagandist in the mold of Baghdad Bob, willing to deny that which we ourselves can see for no other reason that he has hitched his wagon to a loser. His audience is Joe Biden and his true believers, and nobody else. 

I wrote about Scarborough’s claim earlier this month that Biden has never been sharper, which may technically be correct given the fact that Biden has always acted like he had a lobotomy in his youth. But denying the clear indications of dementia runs counter to all the evidence everybody sees. 80% of the country is now convinced that Biden’s brain is turning into pudding. 

You would think that simple pride would dissuade any self-respecting person from humiliating themselves like this, but this would be misreading the situation. Scarborough doesn’t care what normal people think of him. He is playing to a tiny audience of influencers who have hitched their wagons to Biden and the Left. All their power and prestige come from satisfying their wishes, not telling the truth in any fashion. 

People like Scarborough are judged not by their perspicacity but rather by whether they display sufficient zeal for the Dear Leader. If you want to understand the ways of the Elite, look first to North Korea. 

If the elite wants you to be lying scum, then be lying scum. Joe Scarborough fits the bill. 

UPDATE: KJP Blames Governor Abbott

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