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Carville: “He’s Drowning, Give Him an Anvil”



Ragin’ Cajun James Carville has some advice for President Biden and his re-election campaign. “He’s drowning, give him an anvil.” 

That’s cartoonishly crazy advice, but that is how Carville operates. Carville was referring to Donald Trump’s legal woes and the reaction in the press to his ‘bloodbath’ remark. 

Look at any poll or video of any campaign event and it is clear which candidate is ahead so far. Trump leads Biden in all the traditional swing states. Trump has lines of thousands of people standing in line to get into a campaign event, no matter the size of the venue. It could be an airport hangar or a stadium, it doesn’t matter. Biden is doing very small events with low turnouts. His poll numbers are circling the drain. 

Nonetheless, Carville does some good old-fashioned projection about the state of the race between Trump and Biden. Trump is not the one who is drowning. Despite the wishful thinking of Carville and other Democrats, Trump is holding up pretty darn well considering what is being thrown at him in hopes of keeping him off the ballot in November.

Joe Biden campaigns on saving democracy, yet he is the candidate trying to pick off his challengers – Trump and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Kennedy left the Democrat Party to run as an independent candidate and he is working on being on the ballot in all 50 states. Trump isn’t going anywhere. 

On Monday, Carville told CNN’s Dana Bash that the thing for Biden to do is to ramp up his attacks against Trump. He said Trump is on his “hind feet legally” and “clearly going mad” so Biden should focus on Trump. 

“He’s clearly going mad and I would attack right now,” Carville said. “I’d spend that money, I’d jump all over him because my feeling is when your opponent is drowning, the first thing you do is throw him or her an anvil and that’s what he needs right now. He’s drowning, give him an anvil!”

“Music to my ears,” political commentator Paul Begala joked.

Carville has not been silent this election cycle. He criticized Biden’s decision to run for re-election in the first place. Carville is a partisan hack but he’s not stupid. He knows Biden isn’t up to the job and can’t campaign as he needs to do. Democrats are stuck with the demented old man so Carville is trying to help. 

“First presidential race in my lifetime that is really not about the future, but it’s about reminding people not only what he did, but what he tried to do and what he says he’s going to do,” he said. “I mean, this is like being a mosquito in a nudist colony. It’s hard to pick a target, but you got to pick one and go after it, you know?”

Here’s the problem with all that – Democrats have tried to knock off Trump all along. They never stopped attacking Trump, even after his loss in 2020 to Biden. Democrats were angry winners and continue to be today. Democrats have gone full-on banana republic-ish in trying to keep Trump off the ballot, trying to bankrupt him, and trying to put him in prison. The DOJ has turned its war against Trump into a two-tiered system of justice. There is one system for Democrats and their like-minded travelers and another for Trump and his associates. That is not saving democracy.

Carville’s rhetoric has taken a nasty turn. He said that if Biden loses in November, it will be the fault of the Jews. He wrote an op-ed for the Daily Mail and cautioned Biden to not ignore the pro-Hamas (my description) wing of the Democrat Party. He rightly points out that the Democrat convention in Chicago this summer may turn ugly, like 1968-style ugly. It’s all because of the pro-Hamas demonstrators who interrupt and disrupt events across the country. They will be ready to do so when convention time rolls around. 

Coincidentally, this summer the Democratic Party will hold its convention in the same city.

I’m not predicting that Chicago’s streets will again erupt into violence, but if tensions in the Democratic party continue to build over the ongoing Israel-Gaza war – the discontented are going to seek an outlet… And their numbers may be overwhelming,” Carville wrote.

All this makes me ponder where Carville has been. Joe Biden trashes Trump every time he speaks. He drags Trump into every speech and when he delivers remarks about any topic at all. Biden slurs his way through spiteful snarks about Republicans and MAGA World. 

Biden already turned on Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu and is pandering to pro-Hamas voters in Michigan. It’s disgusting that Biden has thrown away Israel’s right to defend herself and the right to destroy a sworn enemy (Hamas) to court Muslim Arab American votes in a battleground state. He is putting his desire to cling to power in the White House over America’s foreign policy. 

Carville is warning Biden to not ignore black voters who are turning away from supporting him. Dana Bash asked both Carville and Begala about that.

“They’re very correct to be concerned about this and the Black male, particularly the younger Black male, have become disengaged and it’s got to be a priority, to how we communicate and reengage.” 

“I saw a whole lot of polling this morning, and it is a problem and the first step in solving any problem is to acknowledge you have one,” Carville continued.

Biden, or any Democrat running for president, can’t win without the support of a majority of black voters. Trump is winning some of them at a higher level than in past elections but it remains to be seen if they go back to Biden when November comes. Will this be the year that black voters finally wake up and realize Democrats promise them everything but don’t deliver much once they are elected? Democrats take black voters for granted. Perhaps enough of them will send a wake-up call in November to sway the election results. 

The advice Carville gives to Biden is what he is already doing. Biden makes frequent trips to Georgia to court black voters. He goes to Michigan as often as possible to reach out to Muslim voters and union members. He jumps ugly on Trump every chance he gets. Trump gives as good as he gets and that’s a problem for Old Man Biden. He doesn’t have Trump’s energy and he isn’t able to ad-lib it like Trump does. Let Carville ramble on. Biden doesn’t listen to advice anyway. That’s why we are in the mess we are in now. Biden is well-known for having a record of making bad decisions. Let’s hope that follows him into November.

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