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California judge approves hiding child’s “gender identity” from parents



In California’s Chico Unified School District last year, an eleven-year-old girl told a counselor at her elementary school that she wanted to be a boy. The counselor immediately told the child that she should adopt a new identity and go by different pronouns. They then informed the student’s teachers and classmates with directions to address her in this fashion. There were multiple problems with this situation, but perhaps the greatest one was that the girl’s parents had no idea any of this was going on. When the mother finally find out, she went to court to sue this district over these policies. But last week, a judge sided with the school against the rights of the parents and allowed the policy to stand. (Sacramento Bee)

A federal judge this week dismissed a lawsuit challenging the Chico Unified School District’s policy of protecting the gender identities of students from their parents.

U.S. District Court Judge John Mendez said in a ruling that the authority of the district to safeguard the information overrode parental rights. In doing so, Mendez also kept intact guidance by California school officials to shield the privacy rights of transgender students.

Chico staff were not forcing students to adopt a different identity or telling them to keep it secret from their parents, the judge wrote. Instead, school officials were just allowing students to choose who they wanted to share their identities with. The only exception was for health reasons.

This child was obviously confused. That conclusion is further supported by the fact that she “detransitioned” later in the school year and went back to living as a girl. But how much confusion and mental trauma did she experience going through this process?

Her mother, Aurora Regino, was totally thwarted in court, though the case is expected to be appealed. Greg Piper at Just the News has additional details of how quickly the girl was rushed into the transgender pipeline. There was a complete lack of concern of the child’s mental or emotional state or any other issue she may have been experiencing. There was no discussion of therapy or alternate help that might be available. (Content warning: There are some highly specific and disturbing descriptions of some of the surgical procedures performed on these children at the link.)

The girl “wanted to talk to her mom” but school counselor Mandi Robertson “manipulated her into keeping her mom in the dark,” according to the case page at the Center for American Liberty, which was founded by Republican super-lawyer Harmeet Dhillon and also is representing de-transitioners Kayla Lovdahl and Chloe Cole in lawsuits against Kaiser Permanente.

Robertson visited the girl’s class regularly to ask students whether they thought their gender identity aligned with their sex, prompting the girl to start wondering if her “new feelings of anxiety and depression” were due to gender dysphoria, the suit alleges…

No one in the district purportedly suggested the girl see a mental health professional, give her permission to “socially transition back” or tell her the “risks associated with graduated affirmative care,” which often follows social transition. Regino says her daughter’s now in counseling for the issues the district ignored.

The child was obviously experiencing other mental and/or emotional issues which are now thankfully being dealt with in therapy. But originally, she was not experiencing any sort of gender confusion in her classroom. It was only after the counselor began showing up in class and asking the students whether they thought their identity “aligned with their sex.” That’s clearly what put the idea in the girl’s head, starting her down that path.

The child even admitted that she “felt pressured” to select a new identity. That counselor, obviously with the blessings of the school administration, was not just responding to requests from students. She was grooming them toward a “gender transition” journey. And keep in mind that we’re talking about ten and eleven-year-old children here.

How many other children’s minds has that counselor screwed up? And how on earth did they find a judge to side with the school over the mother? We need to have the Supreme Court weigh in on these questions sooner rather than later. We’re going to lose an entire generation of children to this social contagion if something isn’t done.

Read the full article here
