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Bloodbaths Are in the Eye of the Beholder



It’s not the word, intent, or any other variable: it’s not OK if the Bad Orange Man says something. Democrats can do it all day. 

By now, you have seen all the ridiculous commentary about how Donald Trump threatened wholesale violence against everybody unless he gets elected in November. 

It will be a bloodbath! 

The MSM picked up this theme and pounded it into the national consciousness, failing to note that Trump was talking about the economic fallout from a flood of Chinese electric vehicles being built in Mexico. 

Trump’s “bloodbath” comment could be called a poor choice of words if you wanted to criticize it at all, and given that bloodbath is exactly the word used all the time to describe such disasters, I don’t think he deserves even this rebuke. A massive collapse of an industry – one that is crying “Uncle” right now because Biden’s EV mandate is destroying it – should be called a bloodbath. 

Just how common is “bloodbath?” It is almost the favorite word the left uses to describe anything that might qualify. 

And why wouldn’t they? One of the most effective communication techniques is to use colorful language to emphasize certain points. A 10,000-point drop in the Dow could be described as a “drop” in stock prices or a “bloodbath.” The former is less accurate in communicating reality than the latter.  

It’s no shock that POTATUS is lying about Donald Trump and distorting what he said; as a scummy politician, it’s what he does in those few hours he is awake and lucid. 

But the massive propaganda campaign by the MSM is still breathtaking to watch. No matter how much I despise these pusillanimous preening peacocks, they manage to drive down my respect for them even further every day. 

That, my friends, is an accomplishment. I hate them already, yet they manage to enrage me more each day. 

Countless stories were written to insinuate that Trump was calling for violence in the streets if he lost the November election, and if there is one thing above all others, we know it is the Democrats’ job to do that. I could find you countless clips of Democrats promoting violence and even calling riots necessary for public health. 

But none of that matters to the mainstream media, who see it as their job to slander Republicans and lie outrageously for the benefit of Democrats. 

They are about as subtle as sledgehammers. 

The MSM is a disinformation machine, and for the next few months, that machine will be pumping out a steady stream of lies with the sole purpose of destroying Donald Trump and slandering his supporters. 

Suppose you add up the market capitalization of Big Tech, the MSM, and all the cultural outlets dedicated to distorting facts and destroying Trump and his supporters. In that case, it amounts to TRILLIONS of dollars of market power, all dedicated to rigging the upcoming election. 

What do we have on our side? A commitment to the truth, and a few independent media outlets unafraid to fight back. In that context, we are doing far better than one could expect!

Independent media outlets can’t draw on the trillions of dollars in capital that backs up the MSM. We depend on our readers to keep us humming along, and you guys do a great job. Our VIP members are the backbone of our business model, and without your support, the only “news” you will see will be carefully curated to enforce the Narrative™. 

I’ll let you in on a secret: the more a story I write deviates from the approved Narrative™, the more likely Big Tech is to demonetize it, deboost it from search, and restrict its reach. That is just the reality of writing for a conservative website. The Establishment insists that any alternative viewpoint gets crushed. 

This is why we keep pitching for our readers to join our VIP and VIP GOLD membership programs. Without our members, we simply couldn’t keep publishing. 

Worse, I am told that Beege would be the first writer thrown out of the lifeboat, and nobody wants that! Never make a Marine angry if you can help it!

If you haven’t signed up for the VIP membership (Gold IS the best deal since it opens up all Townhall sites to you), I implore you to do so. It makes a HUGE difference to us, especially amid the overall media meltdown. We can grow stronger as the MSM gets ever weaker. 

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Read the full article here
