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Biden vacations as illegal aliens are CAGED in sweltering Arizona heat



Where is The Squad? Where are the buses filled with Democrat politicians making the trip to the southern border to stand outside along a fence and produce crocodile tears for media cameras? The Biden administration is caging illegal aliens at the Ajo station in Arizona outdoors in 113 degrees weather.

U.S. Border Patrol is holding the illegal aliens outdoors because there is no room to do so indoors. There is a renewed surge of people crossing into the state from Mexico. Despite the happy talk coming from DHS Secretary Mayorkas and others in the Biden administration, illegal immigration is increasing again after a brief drop when Title 42 ended. There were warnings at the time that it was not the time to high-five each other at DHS, the drug cartel bosses and the human traffickers were re-grouping and would be back with an even larger number of migrants soon. It’s happening.

The number of illegal immigrants rose in July and the media is quiet about that because it isn’t a good story for Biden’s re-election campaign. There are people crammed onto narrow benches who are seeking shade from the sun. People can be seen taking turns standing in front of a giant fan at the Ajo Border Patrol station.

This isn’t typically a busy time of year for illegal immigration.

The site is in the remote desert, about two hours west of Tucson. The area is at the heart of a surge in migrant arrivals, undermining Biden administration hopes that its new immigration restrictions are having an impact.

And the increase marks a reversal of the normal pattern, when arrivals tail off amid the extreme heat of the summer.

Yet, here we are. The silence from the open borders crowd is deafening. It is a reminder that the illegal aliens in cages didn’t begin with the Trump administration. It began in the Obama-Biden administration. Obama built those cages when illegal immigration increased during his time in office. He did what he could to stop the flood of illegal immigrants crossing the border and held them to process them. Trump used cages again when it became necessary. Then, though, it became a human rights issue. Suddenly it was wrong to use Obama’s cages. It all depends on which party is in the White House.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data shows a 30 percent increase in illegal crossing in July. The brief decline in crossings, which Team Biden claimed was proof of their policies working, has reversed. More than 130,000 apprehensions were recorded along the southern border in June, compared to 99,545 in June. The current spike is seen in southern Arizona around Ajo. The Tucson sector recorded 40,000 arrests last month, the highest monthly total in 15 years.

The spike in immigration comes during a record heatwave. Temperatures have been recorded at 105 degrees for days. Nonetheless, illegal immigrants are walking through the Sonoran Desert and crossing the U.S. border.

The use of an outdoor overflow facility shows that illegal immigration continues to be a problem that has not been stopped by the Biden administration. Several large groups arrived last week in Arizona. At least 600 people were detained in the Ajo area. The whole Tucson sector recorded 1,900 encounters last Tuesday alone. Compare that to the average of 800 a day in November 2022, when the weather was much better and the border crossing numbers were high all along the border. Now the outdoor holding pens are in use.

Everyone knows it’s all a game to the Biden administration. They talk tough about border security but it’s a farce. The illegal aliens will be released in the United States.

‘These people know there are zero consequence. If you cross illegally, you’re going to be processed and released,’ he said.

‘And so there’s nothing to deter them.

‘The administration will tell you all day long they’re putting them in removal proceedings, but we know that those proceedings are years down the road so what are the consequence for coming across illegally?’

As predicted, cartels and human traffickers readjusted their methods and work around new enforcement policies. They made a shift from the Yuma area and some spots in Texas that are under intense scrutiny and they are focusing on the Tucson area. They see the Tucson area as vulnerable now.

CBP notes that outdoor facilities are used because it is a last resort to detain the people apprehended illegally crossing the border.

‘The U.S. Border Patrol has surged personnel and transportation resources to respond to the increase in encounters in the area — some of the hottest, most isolated, and dangerous area of the southwest border — where individuals have been callously sent by smuggling organizations to walk for miles, often with little or no water,’ he said.

Moving arrivals out of the desert has been prioritized because of the dangerous conditions, he added.

‘USBP has utilized outdoor shaded areas only when necessary and for very short times while they await onward transportation to larger facilities,’ he continued.

‘The Ajo Border Patrol State is not equipped to hold large number of migrants due to historic trends in this area.’

There has been no outrage coming from the left this time illegal aliens are seen in cages while they are detained. There have been no protests. Joe Biden is running for re-election and the border is still wide open. They don’t want to interfere with the status quo now. It is all about politics for leftists, not national security or the humanitarian crisis that Biden’s policies have created during the Biden border crisis. The numbers are continuing to rise again, despite the summer heat. Biden is on vacation at the beach in Delaware and isn’t the least bit concerned about anything. This is all intentional and going as planned. Cages are ok now because Democrats are using them.

Read the full article here
