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Biden Sets Record for Embassy Evacuations



Some records you want to beat, while others are a badge of shame. 

Guess which Biden has acquired?

When Biden was elected he promised that the adults would be back in charge, and what we discovered was that the adults are just not very good at their jobs. 

Perhaps he meant not adults but geriatrics whose brains are slowly turning into pudding. Technically they are adults, but can be expected to be no more competent than any dotard. 

With that evacuation of the embassy in Haiti, the Biden administration has presided over more evacuations of U.S. embassies—a total of 11—than any other presidential administration in U.S. history. 

Since Biden took office in January 2021, his State Department has partially or fully evacuated 11 U.S. embassies via what are known as authorized or ordered departure directives.

President Barack Obama presided over the second-most embassy evacuationsof any administration with a total of eight over two terms (Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Central African Republic, and South Sudan), or about one a year. Donald Trump presided over three partial evacuations in his four years as president.

Authorized departure advisories consist of the State Department suggesting that diplomats, their families, and other Americans leave the country in question—often through special travel arrangements made by the department. 

Ordered departures are directives from the State Department for all Americans and nonessential embassy staff to leave the country in question immediately. 

Military protection was required to ensure that Americans were escorted safely in the evacuations of America’s embassies in Kabul, Afghanistan; Port-au-Prince, Haiti; and Khartoum, Sudan. 

Any one evacuation could have any number of legitimate causes unrelated to the actions of the president; after all, the world is a dangerous place. 

But once you hit 11 in 3 years, you can’t deny the pattern, especially since one of the president’s most important jobs is to help make the world safer, not more dangerous. Biden has clearly made things more dangerous for Americans and for the rest of the world. 

So which countries have we partially or completely evacuated diplomats from during Biden’s presidency?

  • Burma
  • Chad
  • Afghanistan
  • Ethiopia 
  • Ukraine
  • Belarus
  • Russia
  • Nigeria
  • Sudan
  • Niger
  • Haiti

None of these is a garden spot, of course, but the fact that each of these countries has gotten dramatically less safe for American diplomats suggests that Biden is doing something very very wrong diplomatically. 

This isn’t news, of course. We can see it with our eyes, but the fact that you can put a number to the disaster is clarifying. 

In Biden’s last presidential campaign, he paid special attention to Haiti, promising in 2019 that he would “press for dialogue to prevent further violence and instability.” 

Since the Biden administration began in January 2021, Haiti has fallen into further disarray as prison gangs broke out and laid waste to the Caribbean nation.

U.S. embassies elsewhere were evacuated only once during the Biden administration. But the State Department ordered the partial “authorized departure” or “ordered departure” evacuation of the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince four times: in 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.

The department issued an alert for embassy staff to “avoid demonstrations and any large gatherings of people” in early February.

With Haiti’s prime minister under U.S. protection in Puerto Rico, a gang leader and cannibal nicknamed Barbecue has taken leadership over the country. On March 10, nonessential U.S. Embassy staff were airlifted out by the Marine Corps in a nighttime operation.

Hundreds of Americans remain trapped in Haiti as the situation deteriorates further. But the Biden administration hasn’t mentioned Americans trapped on the island or announced any plans for their rescue. It has announced, however, that the U.S. will provide support for a U.N. mission based in Kenya.

Biden also has a habit of leaving Americans behind, beginning in Afghanistan, where some Americans may still be trapped, and continuing on to Haiti, where apparently little to no effort is being made to help citizens who are being stalked by a madman named “Barbeque.” It took Ron DeSantis to get many Americans out of Israel after Hamas’ attacks, and Biden is struggling to free Americans who are being held hostage by Hamas. 

Biden is of course negotiating on behalf of Hamas for a cease-fire. 

It is as if Biden sees all the options and looks for the worst. It is his signature move. 

“Never underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.” Truer words have never been spoken. 

Read the full article here
