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Biden: I ‘Did Not Interact’ With Hunter and Jim’s Foreign Business Partners



“These guys have got to stop this stuff.”

That’s what President Joe Biden told reporters on Friday. The “guys” he was referring to are Speaker Johnson, James Comer, and the rest of the House Republicans currently investigating the trail of apparent corruption left in the wake of his son Hunter, his brother James, and the various other participants in Biden Inc. The “stuff” is the public allegations of those activities coming out of the ongoing impeachment inquiry. The President became quite snappish when reporters pressed him with questions about the results of recent hearings and witness testimony. Apparently, nobody is supposed to notice or bring up any uncomfortable topics. (NY Post)

President Biden again denied Friday that he interacted with business associates of his brother James Biden and son Hunter Biden — despite Hunter himself confirming to Congress this week that his dad attended a pair of DC dinners as vice president with various foreign patrons.

The 81-year-old president blasted House Speaker Mike Johnson’s assertion that Biden is “lying” about those interactions amid the Republican-led impeachment inquiry into alleged corruption.

“Tell him to read the record of every single witness,” Biden told a Post reporter on the White House lawn as he departed to Camp David following his son’s Wednesday testimony in the impeachment inquiry.

Biden went on to claim that he “did not interact” with their business partners. It’s at least the second time he’s made that statement in the past couple of months. Interestingly, the claim has been contradicted by multiple witnesses during recent House hearings. Among the people declaring that the opposite is true were both Hunter and Jim Biden, the “business partners” in question. Both cited instances where Joe did plenty of “interacting” with various individuals who wound up mysteriously pumping vast sums of money into the Biden family’s coffers.

By this point, most of you likely recall the many times both on the campaign trail and while in office that Joe Biden has said he “never spoke to my son, my brother, or anyone for that matter about their foreign business dealings.” He famously declared that there would be “a wall” between private business and government operations. He also said he had never received any money from China. 

But now James Comer and the rest of the GOP leaders conducting this investigation have proven all of those statements to be blatant lies. We have confirmation of that reality straight from the mouths of the main players themselves. Biden has spent years lying to the American public with a straight face, confident that his control of the system would keep him safe and leave his family’s secrets squirreled away in the closet. He has also remained confident that the legacy media would provide him with cover and prevent the American people from finding out about all of this and turning on him in response. In that regard, his beliefs were well-founded. They’ve certainly done their best to do precisely that and many of them continue to do so to this day.

But the dam that the MSM erected to protect Uncle Joe is cracking and the word is making it into the public. Here’s Speaker Johnson speaking truth to power on Twitter this week. 

Those efforts appear to be breaking through to the public at large. A recent Associated Press poll found that more than two-thirds of Americans (68%) including more than 40% of Democrats believe that Joe Biden “acted illegally or unethically in his son’s business dealings.” Will that make any difference in November? Probably not as much as we might have anticipated in previous times. For many Democrats and progressives, having an ethically compromised, cognitively diminished president who has absolutely wrecked the country with his disastrous policies is still preferable to having the Bad Orange Man come back. But in an election as close as the last one was and the upcoming one is expected to be, it really doesn’t take all that many people to swing the balance back in the other direction. Let’s cross our fingers and hope for the best.

Read the full article here
