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Biden gets worse by the day



For the past few weeks, we have been inundated by MSM flacks praising Joe Biden as a loving father who understandably protects his son from the mean, mean Republicans.

Yeah, whatever. By now we know that Joe Biden could literally do anything and the entire political and media establishment would find a way to praise him as being the “kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.”

But it is becoming increasingly clear that no matter how wonderful a father Joe Biden is, and I don’t happen to think even a kind, brave, warm, and wonderful president should ignore his responsibility to the country in order to protect his family, he may soon not be able to even recognize his own son.

His dementia is getting that bad, and anybody who has had the sad experience of taking care of a failing dementia patient can see it.

There he is, sitting down in front of the media and by extension all of the world, and the best he can do is read from a script, mumbling, stumbling, and fumbling his way through a few seconds of prepared remarks.

For those of you old enough to remember the last leaders of the Soviet Union pre-Gorbachev, the sight will be familiar. An old man on death’s door leads a failing nation, reflecting in their person the state of their nation. It was as if having a lobotomy was a prerequisite for the job.

The reason that happened was that the political class was paralyzed, wanting to stick to the old ways. They finally gave in and put Gorbachev in power because they had no choice but to find somebody to change direction, things were failing so fast.

The US is far from that pathetic condition; with all our problems the bones of the old house are still strong; but Biden is there because the political and cultural classes needed somebody, anybody, who they could install without frightening the normies. A weak old man seemed to them a better alternative than Donald Trump. And nobody else in the running for the nomination looked strong enough to take on Trump.

But Biden is spent. He is the “Weekend at Bernie’s” president, being carried around and manipulated to simulate the appearance of life. As it is he can barely walk, barely talk, and only occasionally makes sense.

There are 80-year-olds who are vital and sharp; Biden is not one of them. He is an old 80, not a young 80.

I admit to being utterly ignorant of how a political party can deal with the possibility–perhaps likelihood–that it will have to replace its presidential candidate without his consent, but the Democrats may actually have to do it. They can’t simply crown Kamala Harris because she is an idiot who would lose to any Republican. And they are in no position to simply crown somebody else. There would be a fight because the power at stake is too great for everybody who wants it to just give up.

If Joe Biden lives until next November–and while the betting would be that he does–he will be a shell of what he was as Vice President. And that was not great to begin with. He was always stupid; now he is stupid and demented. Obviously so.

It’s not that the Democrats have no tools to potentially drag him over the finish line. They have fear and they have hope. Fear of Republican fascism, which some people actually believe is a real thing, and hope for goodies, like reparations or student loan forgiveness.

The problem is that Biden himself provokes fear in some of his potential voters–the swing voters–who know he is spent. Few people believe that he is actually capable of being president, and many will frankly wonder if he would give us Kamala Harris as his replacement soon after the election.

No Republican presidential candidate would dare suggest that Biden is going to die and run against Kamala, but lots of other people will make a point of inserting her into the campaign as the presumptive nominee. And she is political poison.

Few people actually believe Biden has 5 more years of sentience in him, no less vitality. Both are essentially gone already.

What does that mean for the Democrats? Who knows? Are they ready for a Gorbachev? And who would fit the bill?

Read the full article here
